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科幻電影:What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)
2007/07/09 09:20:16瀏覽1431|回應0|推薦4



IMDb user comments for
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)



現代社會變化快速而常有失序現象,所以各種狗屁不通、偽稱科學的態樣,都有唸書唸到失去常識(Common Sense)與理智(Reasoning)的[前]科學家去深信不疑,還大力宣導哩。古人說[盡信書,不如無書],就是講這個道理。

我母校的現任校長李嗣涔是其中最著名的一個正在發這種科學宗教瘋的[前]科學家。他相信有個外星人宗師透過超光速的方式,跟他及他一起發科學瘋的老婆溝通開釋其前世所種的因,才會結此生所受的果。別人看不到,感受不到,是因為因緣未到,或不夠相信。參看:學術爭議 李嗣涔應說清楚


我的網誌裡有幾篇有關宗教自由的文章,例如我贊成宗教自由讀後感想:[這些女人和那些女人-- 存在21世紀美國裡的一夫多妻制],這位兄台可以看看。現代人對宗教和科學都有一樣的崇拜與迷信現象。也就是說那些不好懂的、不可知的、不可說的都很容易讓人沉迷其中。




在美國,百分之八十的美國人自稱有虔誠信仰,"In God We Trust"這句話是印在鈔票上、刻在銅板上,無神論者(Atheists)並不見容於主流民意,通常只能選擇沉默,或以"尚無法排除有萬能天神存在的這個可能性"來回答。



Idiotic., 27 March 2006

If you see this movie and like it, it says some scary things about the rigour of your mental processes.

You really only need to know four things:

1) The movie purports to be truth, not fiction.

2) You have to believe in mediums, Atlantis, and spirit channeling to buy into the premise, since the core of the movie is a 35,000-year-old Atlantean Cro-Magnon channeled through a new-age spiritualist.

3) The experts are either are new-age loonies (not scientists), misquoted, or quoted in a misleading fashion. It is impossible to be a reputable scientist and to support the film's assertions.

4) They have the physics wrong. Quantum indeterminism does not manifest itself on a macro-scale, only at the quantum level. That's why it's called QUANTUM indeterminism.

This movie could be fun if it was fiction (after all, some of the elements sound a lot like StarGate plots), but they are dead serious: they want you to believe what they say, and Ramtha's School of Enlightenment wants your money.

You wanna see some real miracles? Go buy the boxed DVD set of Nova. 

A film of profound dishonesty, 15 February 2006
dj-218 from United States

*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

This film starts out with a mix of things, animations, a deaf woman going about her life, talking heads talking physics. It all seems like a nice dance around quantum physics principles, addressing some of the messy edges that are either hard to understand or not yet understood.

However at some critical point the film switches to complete a BS description of ice crystal growth influenced by meditators, followed by an equally BS descriptions of electronic random sources being influenced by meditators. This is thoroughly debunked non science and has no place being represented as truth.

The film then descends into a morass of nonsense, attempting to link every facet of pseudoscience BS back to the quantum physical principles discussed earlier. The density of real physicist talking heads drops off and the density of loony fringe talking heads increases.

The remainder of the film is painful to watch. Seeing a crowd of gullible idiots lap it up as truth did not inspire my confidence in humanity. Someone ditz even clapped at the end. The bad stuff consumes the larger part of the film and it feels way too long.

( 知識學習科學百科 )

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