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Self-love meditation by Orin and DaBen
2013/09/02 12:42:49瀏覽75|回應0|推薦1


愛自己 Self-Love Meditation by Orin and DaBen













I take a deep breath in, imagining that I am breathing in light. As I breathe out, I release any energy I may have taken on that is not mine. I call back to myself any of my energy I may have scattered out in the universe, feeling myself growing stronger and more centered as I do. I go within to experience my inner self. I find that place of deep inner calm, that center of serenity within myself. I am aware and alert, yet calm, balanced, and at peace with myself and the world.

I sense my higher self and soul surrounding me with their light. I am now standing in the light of my soul and higher self.

I think of a person I love very much, a person who fills my heart with love and compassion whenever I think of him or her. I let my heart fill with love as I think of this person. I radiate love to this person.

I imagine now that I have that same feeling of love and compassion for myself as I have for this other person. I am a treasured person, my own best friend.

I know that loving myself is making a commitment to giving myself what I need to be strong, alive, and fulfilled as a soul and spirit.

As I think of my day ahead, I think of something to do that is nurturing and loving to myself, something that is possible to do today.

As I think of my day ahead, I release something that is not loving to myself.

I take a moment to congratulate myself and appreciate all that I have created. I think of at least two things I did in the last year that I feel good about.

I imagine speaking loving words to myself today. I tell myself how well I am doing and how far I have come. I use positive, uplifting, and encouraging words and focus on all the good things that are happening in my life.

As I think of an area of my life in which I have been hard on myself, I now tell myself good things about this area. If any bad feelings come up, I send love to them and continue telling myself good things about this area.

I ask my soul or higher self to give me a personal affirmation that I can say to myself to remind me to love and honor myself today.


十個非理性的想法 1. 我應該得到每個人的喜歡 2. 我必須十全十美,在各方面都有成就,才是有價值的人 3. 壞人是很卑劣的,他們應該為他們的惡行遭受嚴厲的責備與懲罰 4. 事情應如我所預期的,不然就很糟 5. 一個人的不快樂,都是外在因素引起的 6. 對於可能發生的危險,我們應該時時刻刻憂慮它會發生 7. 逃避困難總比面對要來得容易,而且不必要勉強自己 8. 每一個人都必須找到一個比自己更強的人做依靠 9. 過去的歷史、經驗決定一個人的現在,過去的影響是無法抹滅的 10. 每個人碰到的各種問題都應該有一個妥善解決的方法,或是正確完美的答案,否則這是很糟的事 → 艾里斯認為很多負向的情緒,是來自於對事件不合理的信念,我們稱之為推理上的謬誤。

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