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You Are My Song
2010/07/02 13:12:39瀏覽313|回應2|推薦1
You Are My Song

You are the song
Playing so softly in my heart for a while.

You seem so near
And yet so far

I hope and I pray
We will be more closer someday

I know down inside
That you are different
You can broaden my life and mind

How can I
Each time I try to
say goodbye
You were there
In the music I listen to
In the film I watch
In the story I hear

I finally realize it’s all my imagination

The words I said might just too unreal.
But life is nothing but a dream
I am still a dreamer in my world

And I should be happier that I can still listen to this unreal and dreamlike song in my deep heart.

You are my song now.
Someday, the music will stop.
And I am blessed to learn that I had once listened to a very dreamlike song.
( 創作詩詞 )
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2010/07/19 07:55
Yes, life is all but a dream, but without a dream, there will be no life. Therefore, dream on, Valavai, and someday you just may be mighty surprised how fast your dream has come true!

2010/07/10 00:59

Songs, you are my songs which echo with my heartbeats.

Oh,the melodies, tempos, rhythms and lyrics of the songs create the bound and bond between you and me.

Non-stop music accompanies me day and night and provides me the power to hang on and move on even when I frown and feel down.

Go on and on and on;music is always on and never out of tune.