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Dearest, would you marry me again?
2010/06/29 08:55:11瀏覽229|回應1|推薦0

My dearest husband

 You are dearest who lives most close to me.

 You are the person who care and love me most.

 I need and depend on you more
 I give you a ring for your birthday for I really want to make a proposal to you.

 That is..

Would you marry me again...?
 Words alone will never be able to express the depth of my love for you.

Without your LOVE, dayz are "Saddy, Moanday,Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Frightday, Shatterday".

 You are my savior; my happiness begins when I met you.

 Without you, I can not have steady families, sound nights, a secured mind, and a dreamy house.

 Too often we forget the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring in our demanding parenthood.

 But I know our love is always there...even among the affection we share to our kids.

 I am the most blessed and lucky lady to have you such decent man to be my lifetime partner and my kids' father.

 People all said that I become more confident, charming, and happier after the marriage. And I have to attribute all this" brightness" to you.
 You truly love me.
 Love me so deep..
 You take the every role of husband, mentor, coach, father, friend, and lover in my life.

And in the every way of every role....
The way you breath makes me calm
The way you speak makes me aware
The way you see right throughs me
The way you are my heart gets sold
The way your eyes look at me makes me weak
The way you kiss me inspires me to kiss you back
The way you care our kids makes me want to love you more
The way we both argue enables me to be stronger
The way you express your true and honesty feelings makes me believe in everything you say
The way you talk adversely to me provides me a chance to broaden my view
There must be more ways for me to explore to enjoy your company in the future
I love you in every way.

And I feel thankful for the many roles you play in my daily life!!

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2010/06/30 10:49
What a lovely and loving letter! Congrats on your happy life and the beautiful "partnership"!