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Remeber the good past
2010/02/02 12:16:47瀏覽133|回應0|推薦0

Our ability to imagine the future is linked to our memories of the past.

Ponder past failure only if you want to recreate it.

Do you want a happy and successful future? Remember happy and successful moments.

Musicians and athletes have known this for years; "The way you practice is the way you'll play."

In other words, you're probably going to do what you've been remembering.

What have you been remembering? If you want to create a better future, you must remember better moments from your past. These moments happened to you. They definitely happened.

You just need to remember them.

Change the moments you remember and you change your expectations.
Change your expectations and you change your actions.
Change your actions and you change your future.

( 創作詩詞 )
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