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Powerful Woman
2010/02/05 12:30:06瀏覽210|回應0|推薦2
I want to be like my friend, Jerri, a woman who radiates warmth, strength and a positive energy. People around her are drawn to her, although she does nothing to draw attention to herself. People are as curious about her as she seems to be about others. She is engaging, but not dominating; joyous without pretension. She reflects a generosity of spirit that accompanies a grateful heart. She is comfortable within and with out herself; she is a vessel of personal power.
I am not sure when I would be totally like Jerri I admire as I mention above but I keep on educating myself that even though life is not proceeding exactly as I wish, I can handle whatever life dishes out. I would choose to pursue an uncertain path of growth and passion instead of taking the more familiar one of comfort and perceived security on every crossroads. I would feel calm, focused, confident, and fully engaged in every opportunity that I embrace.
I know that my personal power comes from the inside out, and therefore need not be given, earned, learned, or bestowed upon me. It simply must be revealed. Through my meditation, reading/wring and doing, I can buff away the fears that make me weak, defensive and self-centered. By embracing life’s joys and practicing rituals of gratitude, I soon glow with contentment. And if I commit to using my gifts in the service of others, all of our facets seem to catch the light. I do not need to prove how smart, important, or talented I am. I simply know it. And others see it. Fearless, joyful, and making a difference, my personal power surfaces
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