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2010/02/21 19:18:13瀏覽179|回應0|推薦0
Through life’s greatest changes and transitions come life’s greatest opportunities.

I am thankful for my past transition.
I studied hard and dreamed big to be a teacher instead of mother’s underestimated or conservative expectation of me to just be a Nurse devoting to the church.

And then I got the opportunity to enjoy a more abundant and colorful life.

I am proud of my present changes.
I aspiring to listen to different people, read another book, watch more films, leave comfortable zone, walk different road, and save unfamiliar feelings.

And then I am growing, developing, and experiencing more and more.

I am waiting for my future transfer.
I may transfer to anther living place or teaching environment with different challenges and gains.

And then I will get more self-achieved and matured.

( 創作詩詞 )
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