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2018/04/08 22:29:59瀏覽3649|回應0|推薦19 | |
每一個國家都有自己的格言 (proverb 或稱諺語、成語),都是先賢的智慧,對每一個人都有很大的啟迪作用;譬如說 Not judge a book by its cover 字面的意思可能是(別只看了書的封面就決定值不值得一讀),但它其實也是勸人 “千萬別以貌取人”。 住在英國的藝術家 查普曼(James Chapman) 曾把一些國家的格言整理了一番,用漫畫的方式呈現出來。很可惜,我無法在這兒讓各位看到他的漫畫,只好請各位想像;我也要說一聲抱歉,我可能翻譯得不很正確,如有錯誤,敬請原諒與指正。 肯亞有一句格言 When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt (當大象打架時,受傷的是小草), 它其實是說 “兩大強國開戰時,會傷害到一旁的小國 Fights of the powerful only hurt the little guys"。 瑞典成語 The pillow is the best advisor (枕頭是最好的導師),意思是 ”忘了問題,好好睡一覺,翌晨醒來,看看有什麼感覺 Sleep on a problem and see how you feel in the morning" 。 If the world flooded, it wouldn't matter to the duck (當這世界遭到洪泛之災時,鴨子們一點也不在乎)是土耳其格言,它是指 “對你不好的事情,未必對每一個人也不好 Things that are bad for you, aren't always bad for everyone”。 古羅馬有一句格言 Hunger is the best sauce (饑餓是最佳調味醬),這就是人們常說的那句話 “當肚子餓了時,什麼都好吃 Everything taste better when you're hungry" 。 蘇格蘭高地的蓋爾人有一句格言 A cat in mittens won't catch mice (戴上了手套的貓抓不到老鼠),引伸的含意是 ”太小心、客氣就做不了事情 Be careful and polite doesn't always get things done“。 實在不曉得中國竟有這麼一句成語 A book is like a garden carried in the pocket (一本書就像揣在口袋裡的花園一樣),或許可以翻成 ”錦繡文章 There is a lot of beauty in the written word" 。 波蘭人說 The egg thinks it's smarter than the hen (蛋自認比母雞聰明),他們其實是講 "年輕人總以為懂得一切 Young people think they know everything" 。 義大利成語 Give someone a finger and they'll take an arm (給某些人一隻手指,他們就會要一隻手臂),意思是說 “好人被人欺或好心被別人占便宜 With too much kindness, you might be taken advantage of " 。 到了西班牙,你可能聽到有人說 A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey (穿了絲袍的猴子仍然是一隻猴子),那是告訴大家 ”即使你能遮蓋了真相,你還是改變不了事實 You can cover thing up, but it doesn't change what they are ”。 這一句中國成語可能有點道理 A glass of wine a day, live to 99 (一天一杯酒活到九十九),那不正是中國人的老話 “愛酒者淺酌有益 A little of what you like does you good”。 法國人總是說 Don't marry foxes to hens (別讓狐狸娶母雞),聽來怪怪的,不過它是說 “Some people just aren't a good match 某些人就非天作之合或天成佳偶”。 匈牙利有一句成語 Don't make an elephant out of a mosquito (別將蚊子當大象),那是叫你“別沒事當作一樁大事或別大驚小怪 Don't make a big deal out of nothing”。 中國人常告訴別人 We don't help plants grow by pulling them up (我們不偃苗助長), 意思是說 “要有耐心,你若不急燥,好事總會發生 Be patient, good things come when you don't rush up ”。 旁遮普 (Punjabi) 的格言 Love is a slippery game (愛情像一場溜滑的遊戲),那是形容 “人們很容易陷入戀愛 It's easy to slip and fall in love”。 芬蘭人說 A poke in the eye for those who live in the past (活在過去的那些人眼中老像有尖的東西),用來勸人 “活在當下,別活在記憶裡 Live for the moment, don't dwell on memories ”。 在俄羅斯,人們說 For a day trip, take a week's supply of bread ( 作一日遊須準備一個星期的麵包),那是勉勵人們未雨綢繆,為遲早會發生的事作準備 Always be prepared for any eventuality“。 瑞典話裡還有一句格言 Don't let grass grow on your feet (別讓腿上長草),用來規勸人們應”不斷前進,並嘗試生活裡的新事物 Keep on moving and try new thing in life)“。 聽過嗎? 中國人講 As small as it is, the sparrow has all the right organs (麻雀雖小五臟俱全),沒想到被翻成意思是 ”好事來自小包裹 Good things come small packages)“,似乎有點不可思議 。 冰島人的格言 A detour is better than a bog (誤入歧途比陷在沼澤中好些),意思是說 ”你若妥善規劃,又不急促行事,你會做得更好 You'll achieve more if you plan and don't rush in “。 |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |