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2008/05/13 07:23:23瀏覽352|回應0|推薦2

Paradis et al,5 took a historical cohort of Montreal bus drivers, compared them to the general population of greater Montreal and found only a small and nonsignificant excess of ischemic heart disease mortality in the bus drivers as a whole; however, a significant increase was found in a subgroup of drivers with less than 30 y of employment. These findings are supported by a recent Swedish study,1 which compared data from an 11.8-y prospective follow up of Gothenburg bus drivers with data prospectively gathered from men in other occupations during the same period, and found that the excess risk of CHD among middle-aged bus and tram drivers occurred independently of standard risk-factor status.

Paradis等人進行Montreal巴士司機的病歷研究,跟更多的Montreal人口進行比較,而發現到在整體的巴士司機族群中,只有少數而數量不明顯的缺血性心臟病,但發現到在低於30歲的司機員工族群中,則有明顯增加的趨勢。這些發現由最近在瑞士的研究報告得到證明,該報告對Gothenburg的巴士司機,在相同期間中,跟來自其他職業的資料,進行11.8年的追蹤研究,而發現到在中年巴士司機則有較高的CHD 致病風險,但電車司機則跟標準的風險因子無任何相關性。

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