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2008/05/12 08:07:14瀏覽247|回應0|推薦0



As this example shows, world risk society is faced by the awkward problem (here one can no longer talk about irony) of having to make decisions about life and death, war and peace, on the basis of more or less unadmitted not-knowing. Because the dilemma lies also in the fact, that the option which relies on there being no danger, is equally based on not-knowing and is equally high risk, in the sense that terrorists

really could acquire weapons of mass destruction, and do so precisely because we believe in not being able to know and hence do nothing. In other words: The non-

compensatibility irony comes to a head in tragic fashion; if risks are held to be non-compensatible, the problem of not-knowing is radicalised. If atastrophes are anticipated whose potential for destruction ultimately threatens everyone, then a risk

calculation based on experience and rationality breaks down. Now all possible, more or less improbable scenarios have to be taken into consideration, to knowledge, therefore, drawn from experience and science there now also has to be added imagination, suspicion, fiction, fear. Francois Ewald writes: “...the precautionary principle requires an active use of doubt, in the sense Descartes made canonical in

his meditations. Before any action, I must not only ask myself what I need to know and what I need to master, but also what I do not know, what I dread or suspect. I must, out of precaution, imagine the worst possible, the consequence that an nfinitely deceptive, malicious demon could have slipped into the false of apparently innocent enterprise.”


如本文的例子所示,全球社會所面臨的風險就是面對生死、媾和跟交戰交關、對或多或少不察覺的未知事項等的決策懦弱問題(這是人們不應再嘲諷的問題)。因為這種的兩難困境也是存在事實中,而無關風險的選擇,也同樣是基於未知事項的考慮,情況如同高風險的決策,即為恐怖份子可能實質需要有毀滅性的武器,正確來說,這是因為我們所認定的事實,是沒有能力了解其情況,當然就不作任何舉動。假如風險被認為是無法彌補的,則不免讓人想到無法彌補的悲劇思考模式,則對未知的問題更佳極端化。假如可預測最終對每個人造成威脅的災難時,則基於經驗和理性的風險評估則會瓦解。而將所有可能,以及或多或少不可能的情況,則會列入考慮中,除了依據知識、經驗和科學的考量,現在則要加上想像、質疑、虛幻和恐懼。Francois Ewald寫道:「謹慎的原則需積極善用質疑,如同Descartes的宗教冥想一樣。在任何行動前,我不只要自問,所需了解和精通的事,但也需了解自己所不知道、害怕或質疑的事項。出於謹慎,應考慮到最糟的情況,就是無止境的欺騙和邪惡悄然進入顯然無知機構體系的虛偽中。」


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