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2008/05/16 07:50:18瀏覽390|回應0|推薦1


Versicolor biomass (4g/L) was added to 25 mL of mercury solution taken in different 100-mL Erlenmeyer flasks and incubated with shaking (130rpm) at 30 (room temperature) for 24 h unless stated otherwise.

he biomass was separated by centrifugation (10000 rpm for 10 min) at the end of incubation, and the concentration of mercury in the supernatant was measured spectrometrically.
The optimum pH for mercury adsorption was determined by suspending A.
versicolor biomass (AVB) in 25mL of citrate-phosphate buffer (50 mM, PH 2.0-8.0) containing 20 and 50 mg/L mercury taken in 100-mL Erlenmeyer flasks.
The adsorption kinetics of mercury by AVB at pH 6.0 was followed at regular intervals of time up to 24 h.
Each data point was obtained from an individual flask and, therefore, no correction was necessary due to withdrawal of sampling volume.
Similarly, the adsorption experiments with spheroplasts of AVB were carried out at pH 6.0.
The equilibrium adsorption isotherm experiment was conducted by verifying the concentration of mercury from 5 to 500 mg/L.



Versicolor試劑(4g/L)則加到25mL的汞溶液放於不同的100-mL Erlenmeyer燒杯中,除非另有規定者,否則存放(130rpm)30 (室溫)持續24小時。

該試劑在培養結束後,使用離心分離(10000 rpm/10 min),在懸浮液中的汞濃度則使用光譜測定。

汞吸附作用的最佳pH值,則由懸浮液A 測定。Versicolor試劑(AVB)放於25mL的有磷檸檬酸鹽(50 mM, PH 2.0-8.0),其中含20 50mg/L的汞放入100-mL Erlenmeyer燒杯中。


AVB/pH 6.0的汞吸附動能在例行的24小時後,進行後續測定。各資料即得自各別的燒杯試劑,無需進行因為取樣量的削減的修正。同樣地,AVB的原生質球吸附作用實驗在pH 6.0的條件下測定。

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