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2008/05/17 10:05:06瀏覽1642|回應0|推薦3


Nothapodytes foetida has been reported to contain 0.06–0.1% of camptothecin and 0.001–0.02% of 9-methoxycamptothecin [16].

Camptothecin had been previously isolated from the Chinese tree Camptotheca acuminata (0.005%) [17], and in low yield from E. heyneana (0.00013%) [11].

We have evaluated the contents of camptothecin and 9-methoxycamptothecin in various parts and seed-parts of N. foetida.

In regard to various plant-parts, maximum concentrations of alkaloids were obtained in bark (0.27% of camptothecin and 0.11% of 9-methoxycamptothecin) followed by root, stem, and leaves.

In contrast, the bark of C. acuminata accumulated lower concentration of camptothecin, whereas leaves contained 2.5-fold higher than that of the bark [18]. Puri et al. [19] demonstrated that N. foetida trees cultivated in north-western agro-climatic region of Jammu, India, accumulated 0.1% dry wt camptothecin in roots and seeds, whereas bark produced lower concentrations of camptothecin.






3. Results and discussion
依據報告青脆枝(Nothapodytes foetida)0.06–0.1%的喜樹鹼(camptothecin)0.001–0.02%9-methoxycamptothecin[16]

喜樹鹼(camptothecin)已事先自中國樹產的喜樹(Camptotheca acuminate) (0.005%)[17]析出,自E. heyneana (0.00013%)有小量的生成[11]

我們已測定喜樹鹼(camptothecin)9-methoxycamptothecin在青脆枝(Nothapodytes foetida)不同部位和種子中的含量。


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