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2008/05/16 08:03:45瀏覽396|回應0|推薦2



The model developed here has two central implications for research and practice. First, in the domain of IT innovation research, the model could guide work investigating the determinants of early initiation and adoption of IT platforms. Since increased option value increases the returns to innovation, this suggests the factors leading to high option value should be predictive of early initiation and adoption. Second, in the domain of investment valuation, the model identifies a set of factors that drive the option value associated with IT platforms. When quantitative estimation is feasible, an evaluation of these factors could to help to direct managerial attention to the most promising options, and could provide insights into the structuring of options and the estimation of actual model parameters. Alternatively, when quantification is not feasible, these factors could be used to support a systematic, but qualitative method for valuing IT platform options.




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