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2008/05/11 22:40:23瀏覽239|回應0|推薦3



The crucial point, however, is not only the discovery of the unknown unknowns, but
that simultaneously the knowledge, control and security claim of state and society
was, indeed had to be, renewed, deepened, and expanded. The irony lies in the
institutionalized security claim, to have to control something, even if one does not
know, whether it exists! But why should a science or a discipline concern itself with
what it does not even know? There is certainly a conclusive sociological answer to
that: because in the face of the production of insuperable manufactured uncertainties
society more than ever relies and insists on security and control; and because the
argument about the knowing and not-knowing of global risks cancels the established
national and international rule systems. It sounds really ironic, but it is precisely
unknown unknowns which provoke far-reaching conflicts over the definition and
construction of political rules and responsibilities with the aim of preventing the
worst. For the time being the last and most striking example of that is the Second
Iraq War, which was, at least also, conducted in order to prevent what we cannot
know, that is, whether and to what extent chemical and nuclear weapons of mass
destruction get into the hands of terrorists




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