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2019/03/24 12:15:30瀏覽2366|回應0|推薦10 | ||||||||||||||||||||
u 綜合練習 (1) 假設要用英文表達「考慮」,請用國教院華英雙語索引典系統檢索找出有哪些詞彙可以使用? __________________________________________________________________
(2) 根據上述檢索結果,請於Collocation Panel(搭配欄)中找出以下中文「考慮」搭配的英譯及其例句:
(二) 英進中檢索 (1) 許多人表達「考慮整體情況」時都會寫成consider about the overall situation,這樣的寫法正確嗎?若不正確,那應該如何表達? __________________________________________________________________
(2) 也有人表達「提到該問題」時常寫成mention about the problem,這樣的寫法正確嗎?若不正確,那應該如何表達? __________________________________________________________________
u 參考答案 (一) 中進英檢索 (1) 鍵入檢索字「考慮」,並點按Search後可得到結果。除了檢視Sample Panel(例句欄)大量中英對譯的句子外,也可以直接看右上方欄位Translation Panel(譯名欄),若按照在語料庫出現的次數排序,主要有consider (136), thought (11), reconsider (11), think about (9), take into consideration (8), thinking (8), weighed (3), concerns (3)等等,其中最常用的字為consider。 (2) 檢視右下方的Collocation Panel(搭配欄),點選想要檢索的搭配詞語,就會得到大量句子,經分析後可歸納出相應的英譯。以下為參考答案,讀者可填入自己找到的答案。
隨機挑選的例句如下: Priority will be given to new weaponry and communications equipment. 優先考慮汰換武器以及通訊設備。 Your other valuable suggestions will be given careful consideration. 您其它的寶貴意見,我們會慎重考慮。 He accepted without a moment’s hesitation. 他毫不考慮就一口答應了。 But after about a year or so of that, I realized I just wasn’t cut out for a nine-to-six office job, so after giving it long and hard consideration, I decided to pack it in. 只不過我大概做了一年多,就發現自己的性格並不適合朝九晚六的公務員,考慮再三後,我決定轉換跑道。 (二) 英進中檢索 (1) 鍵入consider的檢索結果中,並沒有出現consider接介系詞about的例子,可知*consider about the overall situation是錯誤的表達方式,正確的寫法為consider the overall situation。請見以下例句: Chen considered the situation and consulted with the company’s shareholders. Together they set “high-technology chemical products” as the company’s first-stage goal. (2) 鍵入mention的檢索結果中,並沒有出現mention後接介系詞about的例子,可見*mention about the problem是錯誤的寫法,正確的搭配為mention the problem。請見以下例句: The article mentions a number of problems faced by the city’s refuse collection system. 文中提到目前台北市的垃圾新制所面臨的一些問題。 網址:https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010836415
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