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2019/01/05 10:15:56瀏覽19421|回應0|推薦6 | |
表達因果關係 (cause-effect/causal relationship) 的句型在學術論文中使用相當頻繁,通常一個句子裡就同時包含「因」(cause)和「果」(effect),而在寫作上可以視語義需要而強調「因」,或側重「果」。在此節強調的為前者,重視的是「肇因、因為」等歸因性的寫法,常把造成某種現象的原因或理由寫在because of the fact that, due to the fact that, as a result of, result from, follow from, in view of等片語之後。Arnaudet和Barrett (1990:102) 曾舉例句如下: Drastic changes in living pattern will result from/be a result of/be a consequence of/be due to/follow from changes in water levels. 生活模式上極端的改變是肇因於水平面的變化。 其他常用句型請見下例: 1. Fossilization may be due to a lack of willingness to take risks. 石化可能是因為缺乏冒險的意願所造成。 2. It is easy to assume that success in any task is due simply to the fact that someone is motivated. 在任何任務中的成功容易被預設為只是因為那人具有動機。 3. Successful mastery of the L2 will be due to a large extent to a learner’s own personal investment of time and effort. 成功精通第二語言有很大程度是因為學習者本身在時間與努力的付出。 4. Unreliability may result from the conditions in which the test is administered. 缺乏信度可能是肇因於考試施測的條件。 5. Successful interlanguage development is partially a result of utilizing feedback from others. 成功的中介語發展部分是因為利用他人回饋的結果。 6. All these errors are attributable to negative interlingual transfer. 所有的這些錯誤都可以歸因於負面的語際移轉。 7. Behaviorist psychologists attributed two important characteristics to habits. 行為主義的心理學家將兩個重要特性歸因於習慣。 8. Since most learning strategies are mental operations and hence not directly observable. 因為大部分的學習策略都是心智運作,因此無法直接觀察。 9. This is done on the grounds that translated texts are not representative and that they might distort our view of the real language. 之所以如此是因為翻譯文本沒有代表性,而且可能會扭曲我們對真實語言的觀點。 說明:ground除了作「土地」之外,也有「理由」的意思。而on the grounds that本身就是一常用的片語,等於for the reason that。本句中有兩個that,其後接兩個子句就代表兩個理由。 補充句型 1. …, resulting from/ following from …. 2. …are often caused by …. 3. ... is often mistakenly attributed to... 4. We commonly attribute ... to... 5. They attribute their success mainly to... 6. …are probably due to … 7. ... will be due to a large extent to... 8. This phenomenon appears to be due, in part, to the fact that … |
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