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2006/11/13 22:08:14瀏覽65|回應0|推薦0 | |
![]() ![]() 我所認識的青雲師 道格拉斯 森特 (談氣書中提到的森君) I have been asked myself to write something of what I know about Master Qinyun. I'm not sure I know how to do that in a way that will adequately convey, to those who know little or nothing about Master Qinyun or her abilities, her remarkable nature, and her amazing healing gifts. Perhaps I could start to show you something of Master Qinyun and her gifts by taking you with me to the park where I often practice. 一直以來,我告訴自己必須寫一些關於青雲師的介紹。面對不認識青雲師的讀者,我不確定怎麼樣才能合適的表達出青雲師的風範、能力及她神奇的康復恩賜。也許我帶著大家到我平常練氣的公園去,做為介紹大家認識青雲師的開始。 The park where I practice my Wuji chi has a small grassy area near two trees. My little practice area lies beyond the left field fence of the baseball field, and not very far from a play area of jungle jims, swings, and other things that parents often bring their young children to play on. 我平常練習先天氣的地方是個鄰近兩棵樹的小草地。這個小練習場的左邊是個足球場的鐵網牆,再遠一些是孩童的遊樂設施,有許多父母帶著孩子們到那裡玩耍。 I always practice my chi with my eyes closed, but I am still able to hear the sounds of the park... the sounds of children at play, of various birds, of a metal baseball bats striking baseballs, or the whistle of a train as it rolls past on railroad tracks that run through some trees on the park's south side. 通常我都是閉起眼睛來練氣,但是我仍然可以聽到公園的聲音──小孩玩耍的聲音,不同的鳥叫聲,金屬棒球棍擊球的聲音,或是火車通過公園南區時的鳴笛聲。 On more than one occasion, while I have been practicing my chi with my eyes closed in my little practice area, a parent and child have walked by me. Occasionally a child has said, "Look at that man, Mommy! What's he doing?" The mom or dad has not infrequently said, "He's practicing Tai Chi" (What I practice really isn't Tai Chi, of course, although it is perhaps a "cousin" to both Tai Chi and yoga). I can easily see, though, how these moms or dads might well find what I do to look like Tai Chi, since my movement forms are now fairly complex and Tai Chi looking. 不止一次的,當我閉著眼睛練氣的時候,父母們領著孩子們經過我的身旁。有時候孩子會叫:「媽媽,你看那個人!他在做什麼啊?」父母們通常會這樣回答:「他在練太極拳」。(當然我練的不是太極拳,或許可能看做是瑜伽或太極拳的表兄弟吧。)我可以很容易的領會到,在這些父母們眼裡我做的練習很像太極拳,因為目前我的運動模式挺複雜的而且看起來像是太極拳。 How is it that relating my experiences with little children and their parents at the park can show you anything of Master Qinyun and her gifts you might be wondering about now. That's a fair wonderment. Let me see if I can now answer it for you. 各位現在可能急於知道,我在公園練習跟小孩及他們的父母們的經驗跟青雲師及她特殊的能力有什麼關聯呢?這真是非常的奇妙。現在我試試看能否為各位作答。 In the ten years that I have been taking sessions with Master Qinyun, she has never "taught" me any Qi movement forms. She doesn't "teach" that way. In the beginning, as she does with each student, she initiated the movement of my chi, imparted her own chi to me, and took my negative chi unto herself. So, the Tai Chi like movements the children and parents at the park have seen me practicing are not something I have ever seen or been taught to do. The movements spring forth spontaneously. The chi that Master Qinyun has imparted to me, and which I have accumulated through my practice, initiates particular healing movement forms within me. I don't initiate them. They express themselves through me. 我跟從青雲師學氣已經超過十年了,她從未「教」過我任何的一招半式。她不這樣「教」。在一開始,如同她對每一位學生一樣,她用先天氣激活我的氣動,並轉換我的負能量到她那裡去。因此公園中孩子們與父母們看到的我那如同太極拳一般的動作,不是我曾經看見過或被教導要這麼做的。這些個動作是從內裡自然引發出來的。來自青雲師的先天氣,加上來自我每日練氣所累積的生命能量,激活了內在生命能量的動能,引發了特定的身體運動。不是我要它們這麼運動的。是先天氣透過我的身體來為祂們做表述。 Now, let me go all the way back in time to the first time I met Jennifer and saw her work her bodhisattvas magic with students. That was about ten years ago. I had gone up to the Land of Medicine Buddha, which is located in the mountains not far from me here in Santa Cruz, on a Friday night... the first night of her scheduled teaching visit there. 現在讓我回到最初我遇見青雲師和看她如何運用她菩薩一般的妙法訓練學生。大約十年前,我在一個星期五的晚上,到三塔克魯茲市附近山上的琉璃光養生中心去,那晚是青雲師在那裡進行客座教學的第一晚。 After first meeting Jennifer, I told her about the wonderful things, Chessie, a Qigong teacher at Land of Medicine Buddha, had told me about her and her healing work, and I asked her if it would be ok if I simply watched her "teach" that night... so that I might better know if learning from her would be something that I would be able to commit to. She said that that would be fine, and suggested that I sit on a couch along the wall of the Tibetan Buddhist meditation room where she would be working with students that evening. 當我初次與青雲師會面時,我告訴她琉璃光養生中心的氣功老師潔西告訴過我許多關於青雲師的事蹟和康復能力,並提出能否旁觀她教學的請求。在她的許可下我得以親自見識她怎麼訓練學生。 While sitting there that evening and watching Qinyun work her Qi magic, I saw many very interesting things... things which I would come to experience myself shortly, but which I don't really fully understand even today. I could talk about all of them, of course, but I would like to talk now about just one. For me it was perhaps the most intriguing and compelling thing I saw that evening, and, perhaps more than any other thing, convinced me that I wanted to experience what this Qi master, Qinyun, had to pass on. 我接連三天都坐在一旁觀看青雲師的先天氣妙法,我看到一些非常令人難以理解的事,一些要不了多久我自己也要經歷的事,但至今我也沒法完全裡解。這些事講起來可以沒完沒了,但我現在只選擇一樁來講。對我來說當晚的那一幕或許是最奇妙難解的事,這或許也是最主要的因素,讓我下定決心跟從青雲師學氣。 Master Qinyun was working with a Japanese American man. He was relatively short, stocky, and perhaps fifty-years-old. Like all the other students, he was dressed nicely, but casually. In his case, he wore a dress shirt with his cuffs rolled up slightly, slacks, and, like all the other students, he was in his stocking feet. 青雲師正在訓練一個日裔美人。他矮胖身材,大約五十來歲。如同其他所有的學生一樣,他的穿著舒適得體。他把襯衫的袖子稍微捲起,並且穿著襪子在地版上練習,如同其他的學生一樣。 The man was laying on his back on the floor. His arms were laying still at his sides. I watched Master Qinyun as she conversed slightly with a woman who was standing near her, but like me, was not participating in the class. They were both standing perhaps fifteen or twenty feet away from the man on the floor. His head end was nearest them, and his legs were splayed away from them. Even with his eyes open, neither Master Qinyun or the other woman would have been visible to him in their present location. 這個日本學生仰臥在地板上,他的雙臂平放在他的兩側。我看到青雲師跟站在身旁的一位女士講話,跟我一樣,她不是班上的學生。她們兩人站在離日本學生15-20尺遠的地方,他的頭向著青雲師,腳朝另一頭分開著。雖然他的眼睛張開著,從他的位置既看不到青雲師或是身邊的那個女士。 As Master Qinyun and this woman talked, I noticed Master Qinyun casually turn to look at the man on the floor. As she fixed her eyes upon him, I watched as she brought her right hand up to her left upper arm and squeezed it. As she did this, her eyes still fixed on the man on the floor, the man's left arm began to twitch almost uncontrollably. After a few seconds, Master Qinyun released her grip on her left arm, and as her grip released, the man's left arm settled itself back to a relaxed position on the floor. 當青雲師一面和那位女士說話時,我注意到青雲師看似不經意的轉向那個日本學生看著他。當我看到青雲師把她的右手舉起然後在左臂上擠了擠,在她這麼做的時候,眼睛仍然看著那位學生,就這樣那個學生的手臂開始失控一樣的擺動。幾秒鐘之後,青雲師放開了她的手,那個日本學生的手臂也停止擺動,像先前一樣靜止的擺在兩旁。 Master Qinyun, her eyes still fixed on the man on the floor, next took her left hand and squeezed her right upper arm with it. As soon as she did that, the Japanese American man's right arm began to twitch violently. Once again, after a few seconds, Master Qinyun released her hold on her right arm, and at the same instant the man's right arm stopped its violent twitching and relaxed itself again on to the floor. 青雲師的眼睛仍然看著那個日本學生,接著她用左手握住右臂,當她一這麼做的時候,那位學生的右臂又開始劇烈擺動,再一次的,幾秒之後,青雲師放開了左手,立即的那位學生的手也停止了擺動,回到了靜止的狀態。 It was at this moment that I knew Master Qinyun had something... had abilities that were not usually encountered in the normal course of human events, and I wanted to take sessions with her to experience her abilities for myself. 就在這個當下,我知道青雲師有兩下子,她具備有超出常人的能力,而我願意自己經驗一下她的這種能力。 In taking sessions with Master Qinyun for ten years now, I have come to know what it was most important for me to know about her, which wasn't really that she possessed gifts like those of the fictional John Coffey in Steven King's The Green Mile, which she does. What I most wanted to know about her was the quality of her seeing, the extent of her knowing, and the breadth of her love, because I knew that for me... since many years ago I had experienced a brief period of sammadhi (or re-birth or awakening) that had been transformative, but impermanent... that I had to take myself back to that transformative and healing "place" to truly heal all that needed healing in me, and that was a lot. 經過十多年的學習,我知道青雲師有小說筆下人物一般的特殊能力,但是更重要的是她的愛心和洞察的品質,我層經有過短暫的進入三摩地的經驗(重生或是靈性的覺醒),雖然是寶貴的轉化經驗但不能長久。我必須把自己帶回到那個「地方」(境界),去真正的康復所有的、在我內裡的、一切需要康復的地方,那幾乎是數不清的。 I have come to see the quality of Master Qinyun's seeing, the extent of her knowing, and the breadth of her love, and they will disappoint no one who opens themselves to the miraculous gifts that she offers. If you wish to feel the full depth and breadth of the healing gifts that come to you as a student of Master Qinyun's, though, you will need to put those gifts to use. That is, you will need to practice, and the more you practice and meditate, the more you will benefit. 逐漸的我能體會到青雲師所洞察的品質,她的所知,嗅出她的慈愛,並且對於任何一位願意開放自己去接受青雲師的妙法恩賜的人永遠不會失望。如果你做為青雲師的弟子,希望感受康復恩賜的極至,那麼你需要去使用這個些個恩賜。那就是你需要練習,而且你練習得越勤,你獲得的利益就更多。 There are many other things that I could tell you about Master Qinyun and her Wuji Qi, but it's really in the experiencing of her and the gifts that she offers that many of your questions will be best answered best for you. All I can really say is that I know a fair amount about a number of healers, and about a number of healing practices and disciplines... from Sufism and it's trance dancing, to Native American spirituality and "medicine men," or shaman, like Wallace Black Elk and Rolling Thunder, and on to Meister Eckhardt and mystical Christianity... and Master Qinyun Sun is the real bodhisattva and healer "deal." 我還有更多關於青雲師的事蹟可以告訴你,但其實真正的解答要在你自己實際的切身體會中才能得到。我只能說我認識許多的康復大師,好些個康復療法的練習法門和戒律,而青雲師是真實的菩薩和神醫。 If you feel in need of healing; or if you wish to increase the sense of well being that you already have; or if you are searching for experiences that enlarge your understanding yourself and the universe; then I can't recommend Master Qinyun Sun highly enough to you. 如果你覺得需要康復,或者你希望在你已經具備的健康基礎上更上一層樓,或者你正在追尋擴大認識你自己和宇宙的經驗,那麼除了青雲師之外我不知道還能推薦什麼人給你。 If you have questions about Jennifer or the Wuji magic that she works, please feel free to email me. I will attempt to answer what you might wish to know. 如果你對青雲師或先天氣般若相應妙法有任何疑問,請不要客氣的發電子郵件給我,我會竭盡所知的回答你的提問。 Sincerely, 真誠的, Douglas Center 道格拉斯 森特 回導讀頁 |
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