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Letter from Joan 卓夫人來函
2006/11/13 22:23:41瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0

Letter from Joan 卓夫人來函

《Wishing and eager to share our good fortune and wonderful teach with all.》 《衷心並熱切祈盼和大家同享我們的好運和青雲師的無上妙法》

In my 30s, western MDs told me, nothing is broken, nobody getting any younger, or learn to live with it, or gave me pills, which of course came with side effects. Acupuncturists and chiropractors helped, but the relief was just temporary relief.

At 60, I could not stand or sit, or even sleep for long without feeling pain; self help exercises caused more problems. I blamed my pillows, my mattress, my shoes, the weather… I was sure I was wheel chairs bound, popping pills, paying even higher medical bills and suffering through the rest of my life. When my wonderful chiropractor was contemplating retirement, I become desperate. How dare he retire? What would happen to me without his kinesiology adjustments? But, of course, I know he could, and he would, retire.


It wasn’t until then that it downed on me how throughout my life I had been depending on others to take care of me, to give me good health. Suddenly I remembered what my mother always said: “it's better to help oneself than to rely on other for help. This was how I finally found Qi practice.

As what Chinese knows: when practiced properly, Qi practice heals where it is needed; otherwise, Qi practice strengthens and builds up one's immune system.
I started with Taichichuan, then Qi Gong with form, but these last 6 years, my husband, Frank, and I have been practicing Wuji Qi with Master Qinyun. Unlike other Qi teachers, Master Qinyun is able and willing to guide us along our learning path, and when necessary help us over a hurdle. In time, our friends and relatives marvel of the changes they see
in us.
Frank's overall health has improved greatly. He is in greater shape now at 80 ( in spite of his arterial fibrillation and slight emphysema, etc.) than he was at 70 or even 60.

For me, the spontaneous healing power of Wuji Qi has not only done wonders for my physical health (it corrected my crooked misshapen spine, oiled my joints, etc.) but it also changed my mental attitude and outlook on life and it quickened my spiritual awakening, bringing me in my Wuji Qi practice closer to, for lake of a better term, dare I say the Devine?

There is always unbelievable joy and awe in practicing and allowing Wuji Qi to heal myself. Qi has pinpointed all my meridian points and has uncanny means of reaching them, with my fingers or knuckles or even elbow! During every practice Wuji Qi manifests itself in different ways, according to the condition and needs of my whole person on that day.

Wuji Qi is so powerful, and the practice (with my eye closed) so amazing that 16 months ago in Oct. 2000, after my years of faithful daily practice, the efficacy of Wuji Qi manifested itself. Led by Wuji Qi in my spontaneous movement, with my eyes closed as always in practice, I found my hands touching Frank’s body and my fingers started working on Frank. These sessions not only help Frank greatly; they give me such a good workout. We both reaped unimaginable benefits helping each other!

Master Qinyun has given us this priceless precious gift of Wuji Qi practice and its healing power. Words fail to express adequately our feeling of good fortune and gratitude to Master Qinyun.
Wishing and eager to share our good fortune and wonderful teach with all, we will be happy to supply more details or information to anyone interested in learning this wonders Wuji Qi cultivation of oneself.





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