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2008/04/09 09:56:09瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0

Qinyun — the word itself summons up tantalizing visions of adventure, of unexplored frontiers, of human possibilities yet to be realized. There is the wonder of the place itself, 3 miles of powder like white sand beach, blessed by a crystal like clear water lagoon. There is the delicate and subtle ocean air of a late afternoon, the nights so clear the Milky Way can light your walk along the darkened private garden path. And always there is the sound of the sea.

And then there are the people—the people who live there and love the land, and the thousands more who have come from all over the world to participate in Qinyun's twenty-year-long Olympics of the body, mind, and spirit, committing themselves not so much to "stronger, faster, higher" as to deeper, richer, more enduring.

They come for the intellectual freedom to consider systems of thought and feeling that lie beyond the current constraints of mainstream academia.

They come to discover ancient wisdom in the motion of the body, poetry in the pulsing of the blood.

They come to rediscover the miracle of self-aware consciousness.

At best, they come away inspired by the precision of a desire to learn and keep on learning through all of life, and beyond.

Qinyun is a place with a global reach. It is a place, as Thomas Wolfe said about America, where miracles not only happen but where they happen all the time.


Welcome to Qinyun

Lanikai, Hawaii





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