Rice Lake is regularly stocked with catchable rainbow trout that can be extremely fun on light tackle. The setup is so easy that everyone can do it. All you need is an ultralight spinning rod, a small spinning reel such as Shimano FX1000, 2 to 4lb test line, a small bobber, a couple of split shots and a No. 4 or 6 hook. For bait, the good old dew worm is always the trout's favorite, but other bait such as cocktail shrimp, marshmallow, dough, Powerbait will also do the trick.
April 16--Release 1,600 rainbow trout
April 30--Release 1,620 rainbow trout
May 13--Release 1,020 rainbow trout
May 27--Release 1,320 rainbow trout
June 4--Release 718 rainbow trout
June 18--Release 950 rainbow trout
This fall--Release 3,000 rainbow trout
9月1日(星期二)上午十時至十二時, 林聖哲老師導覽:北溫哥華市下西摩保育區生態解說
集合地圖: 一號公路過2nd Narrow橋,在北溫哥華22A號出口接Lillooet Rd向北行,依指標至Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve到底停車場告示牌前。
學費:會員二元,非會員四元。 歡迎加入綠色俱樂部家庭會員(年會費二十元)。
為了教育民眾以了解水源與森林保育的重要性,政府在1987年開放了五千六百公頃的下西摩保育區示範森林(Seymour Demostration Forest),爾後改名為下西摩生態保育地(Lower Seymour Conservation Area)。西摩示範森 林藉由解說步道、環境教育節目、教育解說牌、生態旅遊,以及森林示範等方式,促使民眾了解森林土地的多樣用途。它同時展示健康的水源地、森林、鮭魚養殖場、野生動物與森林遊樂管理技術。計劃性的教育示範林 成功地引起民眾的關心水源的興趣,也避免水源保護區的全面開放。每年有三十萬人次來這裡休閒活動,健行、滑直排輪、游泳、越野單車與釣魚。米湖(Rice Lake)是認識湖泊生態、散步與釣彩虹鱒魚的好地方。
林聖哲(Joseph Lin),
請參觀綠色文化網站 http://www.greenclub.bc.ca
Tel: 604-327-8693, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada