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2012/04/19 22:53:24瀏覽2093|回應0|推薦2





她在日前寫了英文信到 CNN 網站,獲得刊載,裡頭痛批了台灣健保制度的美好假象,她認為台灣的健保天堂,不過是眾多醫療人員,特別是護士被關進地獄換來的代價。








The dark moment of nurses in Taiwan.

The working environment of nurses in Taiwan has entered an extremely serious situation due to working environment changes. 


Taiwan National Health Insurance system seems created a wonderful medical market which is very easily to obtain treatment with low bill for everyone. In the end, all of hospitals are impaired by medical staff shortages and Taiwan government even didn't know what the real problem is! 


Because of National Health Insurance System, resulting low salaries of nurses, long working hours without pay, and high nurse patient rate. Few days ago, we saw the news from CNN reported that The National Health Insurance System in Taiwan is a successful policy, which is a big joke. Especially The United States seems planning to set up a similar policy. We strongly recommend that journalist and the government officials in the United State should come to Taiwan a couple of days for field trip, and then they would be able to understand how the insurance system has pushed the majority of medical workers into a huge hell. 

因著健保體系,衍生了護士低工資、高工時但無給付、與高病護比的狀況。幾天前,我們看到 CNN 新聞報導說,台灣的健保是成功的政策,那真是一個大笑話。特別是美國似乎計畫籌設一個類似的政策。我們強烈建議美國記者與政府官員應該來台灣幾天,做做田野調查,然後他們將會了解,健保體系如何將多數醫療人員推入一個廣大的煉獄。

When all of medical personnel in hell, the patient must be very close to the hell definitely. 


When all of the medical workers in an unhealthy working environment, the patient must to facing a high risk care quality, because in Taiwan, every nurse should take care of at least eight patients in morning shift, even more. Over twelve patients in afternoon shift and almost take care of nearly twenty patients in night shift! That’s pretty incredible. 


Nurses in Taiwan are not only superwomen or supermen, but are also patients. Staff shortages happened in past ten years, the trickiest thing is that Nurses do not have right to sick anymore, only because of nurses shortages. Taiwan's hospitals manager will not let their nurse get a sick leave if the nurse still able to walk even in public hospital system. 


The Nurse’s working hour in Taiwan often over ten hours every shift, even more. However, the hospital did not give overtime fee; they only give nurses unreasonable pay to buy their break off. The medical environment of the culprit was created by the National Health Insurance System. 


I want to tell all my friends around the world that it’s not a good thing for you to let your government implement this kind ridiculous policy in your country.


( 時事評論公共議題 )
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