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你的心靈,此刻被什麼佔據? What Is Occupying Your Heart Now?
2013/08/31 05:31:46瀏覽180|回應1|推薦0
今晨小豐收 A harvest this morning
今日小豐收; 攝於2013年8月30日清晨
A harvest this morning, picture taken on Aug. 30, 2013
每晨不忘到小園來享受一下這片綠意..... I have been coming to my garden every morning to admire this nice piece of green...
I have been coming to my garden every morning to admire this nice piece of green...
野草侵入、蟠踞菜圃,且吃盡了我的肥沃黑土 Weeds have come in and occupied my fertile patch and eaten up all the rich soil
卻未料,一種更綠的野物、從另一個角落頑強地侵入; 它們蟠踞了我的菜圃,吃盡了我肥沃的黑土
while some even greener intruders have come in from another corner;  they occupied my fertile patch, and eaten up all my rich soil


等到今晨拿起鋤子來猛力清除那些密麻遍佈的野草,才發現它們早已頑強地蟠踞生根; 每挖起一塊草,我就連帶心疼地挖起了一大塊肥沃的黑土.....

啊,原來房子不能空著無人住; 菜園,也不可空著任其荒蕪。


污鬼離了人身,就在無水之地過來過去,尋求安歇之處。既尋不著,便說,我要回到我所出來的屋裏去。 到了, 就看見裏面打掃乾淨、佈置好了,便去另帶了七個比自己更惡的鬼來,都進去住在那裏。 那人末後的景況比先前更不好了。


當一個人認罪悔改之後,不可任由他的心田在完全的空白中逍遙自在; 就像那一片空閒著的肥沃菜園,不知不覺之間,已被大片的野草攻佔。

他的心田裏,必須種下去一些有益的、美好的菜籽; 同時,還要經常澆水、除草.......

耶穌基督的真理,是那種子。 按著真理讀經、禱告、傳福音,是那不斷澆水之功課。 靠著耶穌寶血的聖靈反省、認罪、悔改,是那清除野草的工夫。


A house is not to let be empty, a garden is not to let lie waste, and so your heart is not to let be free in your own will.

In the Gospel of Luke 11:24-26, Jesus had told a story about the return of the unclean spirit and he said,

"When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it wanders through waterless regions looking for a resting place, but not finding any, it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' When it comes, it finds it swept and put in order.  Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and live there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first."

In the garden of our heart, we need the Seed to be placed in by the Holy Spirit as the truth of the Gospel.  We then need to cultivate this "garden" by Getting to truly know this Gospel through Bible reading, praying, confessing, repenting, and, sharing the Gospel to others......

May the Lord bless you now, may your heart be occupied with His love today and forever!

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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