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生命的擴及性 (我靈深處至高主 9月/6)
2015/09/07 03:09:06瀏覽331|回應2|推薦28

今天的這一篇靈修短文,讓我想起上星期在奧勒崗州看見的那條大河,那條發源於Crater Lake 、流注入太平洋的柔格河(Rogue River)。




經文:聖經新約 約翰福音7章38節


from My Utmost For His Highest 九月6日  (**中文翻譯在後面,請往下看**)

A river touches places of which its source knows nothing, and  Jesus says if we have received of His fulness, however small the visible measure of our lives, out of us will flow the riversthat will bless to the uttermost parts of the earth.

We have nothing to do with the outflow--"This is the work of God that ye believe..." (陳注:此句出於約翰福音6:29; 我們的和合本翻譯與原文有出入)  God rarely allows a soul to see how great a blessing he is.  A river is victoriously persistent, it overcomes all barriers.  For a while it goes steadily on its course, then it comes to an obstacle and for a while it is baulked, but it soon makes a pathway round the obstacle.

Or a river will drop out of sight for miles, and presently emerge again broader and grander than ever.  You can see God using some lives, but into your life an obstacle has come and you do not seem to be of any use.  Keep paying attentiion to the Source, and God will either take you round the obstacle or remove it. 

The river of the Spirit of God overcomes all obstacles.  Never get your eyes on the obstacle or on the difficulty.  The obstacle is a matter of indifference to the river which will flow steadily through you if you remember to keep right at the Source.  Never allow anything to come between yourself and Jesus Christ, no emotion, or experience; nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

Think of the healing and far-flung rivers nursing themselves in our souls! God has been opening up marvellous truths to our minds, and every point he has opened up is an indicatiion of the wider power of the river He will flow through us.  If you believe in Jesus, you will find that God has nourished in you mighty torrents of blessing for others.


讀完一遍、又一字字地打完一遍上面這篇Oswald Chambers 所著My Utmost For His Highest 裏面,今日九月6日的靈修短文,我的靈,也彷彿文中所描述的那一道江河,滿有主恩地快活前行...

容我先把它分段翻譯出來吧! 請讀,並不吝批評指教:


A river touches places of which its source knows nothing, and Jesus says if we have received of His fulness, however small the visible measure of our lives, out of us will flow the rivers that will bless to the uttermost parts of the earth.



We have nothing to do with the outflow--"This is the work of God that ye believe..." (陳注:此引用句出於約翰福音6:29; 我們的和合本翻譯與原文和英文都有相當差異) God rarely allows a soul to see how great a blessing he is.  A river is victoriously persistent, it overcomes all barriers.  For a while it goes steadily on its course, then it comes to an obstacle and for a while it is baulked, but it soon makes a pathway round the obstacle.

這湧流和我們沒有關係,「這是上帝的工作...」(陳注:此引用句出於約翰福音6:29; 我們的和合本翻譯與原文和英文都有相當差異) 上帝很少會允許一個人看出他自己是個多棒的祝福。河流,有著一種勝利的固執;它能克服一切阻礙。它會走一陣子它自己的路線,然後它會碰到阻礙、並退縮一會兒,但它很快地就會繞過那障礙、走出一條路來。

Or a river will drop out of sight for miles, and presently emerge again broader and grander than ever.  You can see God using some lives, but into your life an obstacle has come and you do not seem to be of any use.  Keep paying attentiion to the Source, and God will either take you round the obstacle or remove it.


The river of the Spirit of God overcomes all obstacles.  Never get your eyes on the obstacle or on the difficulty.  The obstacle is a matter of indifference to the river which will flow steadily through you if you remember to keep right at the Source.  Never allow anything to come between yourself and Jesus Christ, no emotion, or experience; nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

上帝之靈的河流、會克服一切障礙。 永遠不要將你的眼光、放在障礙或困難之上。 障礙對河流來說、是視而不見的事物;假如你記住、持守住那源頭,它會穩定地透過你而暢流。永遠不要容讓任何事物、進入你和耶穌基督之間,不論是情緒、或是經驗;沒有任何事物可以阻擋你那獨一的、至高無上的源頭


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/09/07 11:31

柳暗花明又一村。- 沒有看到就信的人有福更大。

We have nothing to do with the outflow。 - (沒有對照打字,萬一有不符,不是故意的。)是的,都是神在做工。


陳正華 牧師(thedawnsailing) 於 2015-09-07 11:56 回覆:




陳正華 牧師(thedawnsailing) 於 2015-09-07 11:57 回覆:

2015/09/07 09:27
陳正華 牧師(thedawnsailing) 於 2015-09-07 09:32 回覆:


