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2014/05/14 21:54:40瀏覽1565|回應10|推薦66 | ||||||||||||
一個人無須在愛的環境中長大、才會充滿愛! 因著基督之愛的觸摸,我成為一個深情的人,乃是要彰顯上帝的慈憐、以及祂在我身上的拯救之光... One of my favorite things when staying at my sons house is watching him be so loving to my daughter-in-law!
I am an affectionate person and people often assume that I was brought up in an affectionate home. However, I very seldom felt loved by either my own parents or later by my in-laws. For much of my younger life, I felt bitterness towards them. I struggled to let go of feelings that I had been wronged.
Both my mother and mother-in-law had similar hurtful memories from their parents-in-law. They were never able to overcome these feelings and this bothered me, severely.
Prayerfully, grace came upon me and the Word of my Everlasting Father touched my heart. I decided to break free from the chains that the curse of sin had bound me in and end the cycle of grievance for me and the generations to follow. (Exodus 20:5,6)
Seven years ago at my sons wedding, I was arranged to stand by the bride at the altar. When the pastor started to pray for them, I couldnt help but reach out and embrace the beautiful bride who was soon to become my daughter-in-law. It was at that moment that I completely accepted her as "bone of my sons bones and flesh of my sons flesh." (Genesis 2:23)
Of course it takes great affection to genuinely and consistently love a child which is not of blood relations. It may not be as natural as loving a child of your own, but through the discipline of trust and obedience, the relationship will eventually shine like a diamond; more precious, more valuable and more pleasing to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus says in Luke 14:26, "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple."
In this verse, Jesus is not asking us to despise our life or our beloved ones; rather, His desire is for us to examine our "love"; He wants our heart to overcome or surpass those fleshly, selfish, all evil kind of ways of love.
It is truly our Lords will for us to not be selfish or over-protective and to not abuse the relationship of our very beloved ones. And ultimately, through the precious blood on the Cross, I know we can love even those who are not loveable or whom we are not able to love.
My daughter-in-law is not a child of my own indeed, but she does have some parents who gave birth to her and will definatetly get hurt from how she is being treated by other people ; that is why I am asking God to grant me more love so that I could treat her with more affection than even my own son.
Today is Abbys birthday and I want to say, "have a great one, Daughter!"
Translated by Pastor Chen(陳正華)
(Edited by my son Eric Chou)
P.S. This post is a brief re-composition from one of my published articles which you can find in the July 2012 issue of Christian Herald Monthly
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |