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2024/04/16 05:42:32瀏覽492|回應0|推薦5


Yahoo財經特派記者 葉憶如




據證交法規定,公司若未能如期提報財報,且未在6個月內補齊,恐面臨下市危機。 證期局副局長高晶萍今日下午表示,廷鑫 4月8日已停止買賣,4月2日罰24萬元, 屆滿六個月,因此最快今年11月18日終止上市。

昶虹同樣沒有出具財報,一樣是會計師沒完成查核,4月2日罰24萬元,一樣也是8日停止買賣,最快11月19日下市。 高晶萍說,上櫃公司牧東112年第三季財報就沒有出具財報,已連續罰,4月2日再罰72萬元,最快112年11月17日停止買賣,因此算6個月113年6月20日終止上櫃。


John McDermott - The Old Man

The tears have all been shed now

Weve said our last goodbyes

His souls been blessed

Hes laid to rest

Andits now i feel alone

He was moer than just a father

A teacher my best friend

He can still be heard

In the tunes we shared

When we play them on our own

I never will forget him

For he made me what i am

Though he may be gone

Memories linger on

And i miss him, the old man

As a boy hed take me walking

By mountain field and stream

And he showed me things

Not known to kings

And secret between him and me

Like the colours of the pheasant

As he rises in the dawn

And how to fish and make a wish

Beside the holly tree

I thought hed live forever

He seemed so big and strong

But the minutes fly

And the years roll by

For a father and a son

And suddenly when it happened

There was so much left unsaid

No second chance

To tell him thanks

For everything hes done


( 時事評論財經 )
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