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悲劇了!網紅愚人節笑話寫巴菲特買台積電 金管會:最重罰2億元
2024/04/06 05:47:12瀏覽529|回應0|推薦4

悲劇了!網紅愚人節笑話寫巴菲特買台積電 金管會:最重罰2億元






台北時間凌晨2點,台積電ADR在美股大漲5塊多美元,來到141.49美元價位,凌晨便有網紅摩股史塔克(Moore Stock)轉貼,「彭博社報導」的「新聞」,指股神巴菲特全數買回台積電的持股,還在臉書說明,連國內大財經媒體都引用,誰知是愚人節玩笑,但其它財經網紅引用、連財經媒體都上當,事後紛紛撤下。

「摩股史塔克(Moore Stock)」事後發覺事態嚴重,2度發布道歉啟事、更正啟事,承認文章是他自己寫的,他最新一篇道歉啟事寫到「各位朋友大家好:非常抱歉今天引起了不必要的風波,在此我對於自己的輕忽與自以為是,先與各位致上最誠摯的歉意。」、「關於 4/1 當日會想寫巴菲特買台積電的文章緣由,是因為見到大家都在開愚人節玩笑,於是在接近十二點前我也想要參與」。



Eagles - Lyin Eyes (Live 1977) (Official Video) [4K]

City girls just seem to find out early

How to open doors with just a smile

A rich old man, and she wont have to worry

Shell dress up all in lace go in style

Late at night a big old house gets lonely

I guess every form of refuge has its price

And it breaks her heart to think her love is only

Given to a man with hands as cold as ice

So she tells him she must go out for the evening

To comfort an old friend whos feelin down

But he knows where shes goin as shes leavin

She is headed for the cheatin side of town

You cant hide your lyin eyes

And your smile is a thin disguise

I thought by now youd realize

There aint no way to hide your lyin eyes

On the other side of town a boy is waiting

With fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal

She drives on through the night, anticipating

Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel

She rushes to his arms, they fall together

She whispers, "Its only for a while"

She swears that soon shell be comin back forever

She goes away and leaves him with a smile

You cant hide your lyin eyes

And your smile is a thin disguise

I thought by now youd realize

There aint no way to hide your lyin eyes

She gets up and pours herself a strong one

And stares out at the stars up in the sky

Another night, its gonna be a long one

She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry

She wonders how it ever got this crazy

She thinks about a boy she knew in school

Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?

Shes so far gone, she feels just like a fool

My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things

You set it up so well, so carefully

Aint it funny how your new life didnt change things?

Youre still the same old girl you used to be

You cant hide your lyin eyes

And your smile is a thin disguise

I thought by now youd realize

There aint no way to hide your lyin eyes

There aint no way to hide your lyin eyes

Honey, you cant hide your lyin eyes





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