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花蓮強震木瓜溪上游震出堰塞湖 震撼空拍照曝光
2024/04/29 05:24:09瀏覽578|回應0|推薦4

226個泳池大!花蓮強震木瓜溪上游震出堰塞湖 震撼空拍照曝光 中時 林毅


林業及自然保育署花蓮分署表示,木瓜溪上游受到7.2強震導致邊坡崩塌,造成堵塞出現深潭,初步估算堰塞湖面積5.6公頃、壩高約30公尺、迴水長度約700公尺,蓄積水量約43萬立方公尺,約等同標準游泳池226個水量。 評估後,若堰塞湖決堤,下游的銅門聚落河道水位抬升量約53公分、




John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane (1977) 4K

All my bags are packed

Im ready to go

Im standin here outside your door

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin

Its early morn

The taxis waitin

Hes blowin his horn

Already Im so lonesome

I could die

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

Cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go

Theres so many times Ive let you down

So many times Ive played around

I tell you now, they dont mean a thing

Every place I go, Ill think of you

Every song I sing, Ill sing for you

When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

Cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you

One more time

Let me kiss you

Then close your eyes

And Ill be on my way

Dream about the days to come

When I wont have to leave alone

About the times, I wont have to say

Kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that youll wait for me

Hold me like youll never let me go

Cause Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go

But, Im leavin on a jet plane

Dont know when Ill be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go


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