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地震頻仍!台灣竟位移「離中國大陸更近」 9年對比圖曝光
2025/01/31 05:44:23瀏覽444|回應0|推薦3

地震頻仍!台灣竟位移「離中國大陸更近」 9年對比圖曝光 周刊王CTWANT |蔡斯媛


據悉,氣象署曾在2022年公布一張「2009至2018年台灣絕對速度場/相對速度場示意圖」,一度遭網友解讀是離中國大陸越來越遠,實際上受到地震影響,台灣其實在悄悄靠近中國大陸。 氣象署3年前曾上傳一張「2009至2018年台灣絕對速度場/相對速度場」對比圖,指出台灣在地震前後都會移動,尤其大型地震更會造成明顯地表位移,像是車籠埔斷層的錯動,就為地表帶來劇烈且長達105公里的傷痕,斷層上盤的水平位移為1至9公尺不等,而在大甲溪更出現地殼抬高、落差5公尺的瀑布景觀。 在去(2024)年花蓮0403地震發生後,就有網友稱「離大陸越來越遠」。


據氣象署觀測,台灣西南部每年大約以4到5公分往西南方向移動,東部也是往西移動,蘭嶼同樣以每年7到8公分朝西北西方向移動,整體來說,確實靠近中國大陸越來越近。 至於花蓮0403地震,雖然對台灣地表的垂直位移影響較大,但水平移動影響並不明顯。


Laura Branigan - "Forever Young

Lets dance in style lets dance for a while

Heaven can wait were only watching the skies

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever

We dont have the power but we never say never

Sitting in a sandpit life is a short trip

The musics for the sad men

Can you imagine when the space is one

As we turn our faces into the sun

Praising our leaders were getting in tune

The musics played by the mad men

Forever young I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever?

Forever and ever Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever?

Forever, forever young

Some are like water some are like the heat

Some are the melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later they all will be gone

Why dont they stay young?

Its so hard to get old without a cause

I dont want to perish like a fading horse

Youths like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldnt happen today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams waiting out of the blue

Well let them come true

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever?

Forever and ever


這是一首很妙的歌曲,產地來自德國,80年代時問世, 當年並沒有造成甚麼轟動,在全世界的各排行榜也表現平平, 再加上樂團本身在當年可能連B咖都站不上腳,本以為這首歌就這樣冰冷掉了, 但很奇怪的是,雖然不是很熱門的歌曲,卻相當受到大眾的歡迎, 直到今天仍然被無數人翻唱或重唱,還有許多廣告與電影電視等, 都喜歡引用這首歌,或許是他的詞讓人有極度認同的關係吧。

( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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