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男吃菠菜後全身無力,竟因「少1動作」釀急性腎損傷!醫點名這族群別亂吃 正值菠菜產季,這時節的菠菜物美價廉、柔嫩可口,且菠菜富含穀胱甘肽、葉酸、維生素A、K等諸多營養,能幫助護眼、抗氧化。


60歲翁吃生炒蔬菜竟急性腎損傷!草酸導致腎小管結石惹禍 根據《映象新聞》報導,該病患吃完菠菜後出現全身無力、噁心等症狀,就醫後發現肌酸酐異常,診斷為急性腎損傷,進一步安排腎臟穿刺檢查後發現,腎小管內竟有10多處大小不一的圓盤狀草酸晶體。由於患者在發病前曾把「未川燙」的生菜直接炒來吃,而菠菜的草酸含量相當高,又少了熱水川燙這個步驟,短時間內攝取過量,就容易讓腎病患者產生草酸鈣結石。


一旦飲食中的草酸增加,帶到腎臟後就可能會造成不同形式的腎臟損傷,如草酸鈣結石、急性腎損傷、慢性腎病變。 避免高草酸傷腎!

飲食留意3要點,鈣質不可少 為了避免攝取過量草酸、增加腎臟負擔,綜合陳佑丞醫師、功能醫學醫師歐瀚文、營養師劉怡里資料,腎病患者飲食上建議有3點要特別注意: 減少食材中的草酸含量:勿過量攝取富含草酸鹽的食物,以預防腎結石。














Kenny Rogers - Coward Of The County (Audio)

Evryone considered him the coward of the county.

Hed never stood one single time to prove the county wrong.

His mama named him tommy, the folks just called him yellow,

But something always told me they were reading tommy wrong.

He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison.

I looked after tommy ’cause he was my brothers son.

I still recall the final words my brother said to tommy:

"son, my life is over, but yours is just begun.

Promise me, son, not to do the things Ive done.

Walk away from trouble if you can.

It wont mean youre weak if you turn the other cheek.

I hope youre old enough to understand:

Son, you dont have to fight to be a man."

Theres someone for evryone and tommys love was becky.

In her arms he didn’t have to prove he was a man.

One day while he was workin the gatlin boys came callin’.

They took turns at becky.... there was three of them!

Tommy opened up the door and saw his becky cryin.

The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand.

He reached above the fireplace and took down his daddy’s picture.

As his tears fell on his daddys face, he heard these words again:

"promise me, son, not to do the things Ive done.

Walk away from trouble if you can.

It wont mean youre weak if you turn the other cheek.

I hope youre old enough to understand:

Son, you dont have to fight to be a man."

The gatlin boys just laughed at him

When he walked into the barroom.

One of them got up and met him halfway cross the floor.

Tommy turned around they said, "hey look! ol yellows leavin."

You coulda heard a pin drop when tommy stopped and blocked the door.

Twenty years of crawlin was bottled up inside him.

He wasnt holdin nothin back; he let em have it all.

When tommy left the barroom not a gatlin boy was standin.

He said, "this ones for becky,"

As he watched the last one fall.

And I heard him say,

"I promised you, dad, not to do the things you done.

I walk away from trouble when I can.

Now please dont think Im weak, I didnt turn the other cheek,

And papa, I sure hope you understand:

Sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man."

Evryone considered him the coward of the county.


( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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