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亞當跟夏娃的愛 - 7
2006/12/22 03:08:43瀏覽488|回應3|推薦8

MAN & WOMAN ( New Old Testimony, beginning of the legend III )

While SweetheartYuan has completely knock out the Devil spirits and back to Eden Prairie with exhausted. He found all this and it is far too late. God can’t diminish his own holy spirit soul of Adam nor Eva. Since Eva now is completely love his man of Sin and Adam is also has entire heart for his woman Evil. God give then two choice that is Eva back to Adam and stay in Eden Prairie, so SweetheartYuan can jail Sin and Evil to the hell.

Both Adam and Eva never know there’s more than just love, trust, and kindness out there. So they being set up and they don’t even know. By Satan and Evil’s scheme, Adam and Eva now realized the taste of life, the impulse of heart beat, and the joy of sex as well as vanity, power, and ambitious, besides love, kindness, and harmony. The conflict in their inner-most of heart and soul are tremendous, gigantic, violently, and yet imperishable.

Eva now wants more than just what she used to have, besides what she want now of romance, fantasy, vanity, sensuality, and joy. She wants having baby for her love one while Adam wants power, ambitious, sex , wife, and kids as well as head role to dominate the family. As to Satan and Evil, they can never wipe out the sin from their soul. Besides their original scheme and intention, it is the fact that they are primitive sin and evil. Their bitterness comes form what they never had before and it is the holy spirit of souls that they have tangled with.

Legend to be continued........

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( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ
2006/12/22 11:40

Oh, dear;

Don't ask me, ask my loard man!

something I can tell, while others I can't

the rest of it I better not to....

altought I am 王聖人, yet  I have only you two 門徒

Am I said or what?

Love between Adam and Eva
2006/12/22 10:08
You make us wait for a long time!!! It really nice to read such wonderful story!!

2006/12/22 08:38

Dear brother,

This story indicate a lot related to the marriage especially nowaday!

Can't wait to see,

I wish in the end "Love" can diminished all those barriers between Eva and Adam

What do you think?