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亞當跟夏娃的愛 - 3
2006/07/16 22:28:26瀏覽555|回應2|推薦9

In the SweetheartYuan’s Eden Prairie, the real heaven which has no violence, crime, cheating, nor jealous, hater, the only thing there is the feeling of love, kindness, respect, yet harmony. In other word, there is no such thing called trusty or loyalty simply because there’s no lie, nor does setup and not event a suspicious or jealous.

SweetheartYuan 的伊佃園中, 一個眞實中不含暴力, 罪惡, 欺騙, 更沒有忌妒,憎恨

….人們的心中只有愛, 善良, 尊敬, 外加了的和恊. 換言之人們更本不知道也不須有所謂的信譽與忠心為何物, 正因為欺騙, 設計中的計謀與陷井根本不存在, 更沒有升麼狐疑, 妒之心.

Hence, Adam and Eva live happily there disregarding that SweetheartYuan is engaging a war against Devil. They never ever know what lie is, nor does jealous. All they know is do something for the other. They both love what their beloved soul of each other for so long. At the meantime they do everything for their love one. The more they give, the more they get.

因此, 亞當與夏娃快樂的生活著, 也不知SweetheartYuan正在遙遠異域爭討著邪魔的戰爭. 他們從不知欺騙為何物, 更沒有忌妒心. 他們只知道為別好,長久以來 他們只懂著愛著彼此執愛的心靈. 同時為其所愛付出. 因為他們付出越多得到越多

Legend to be continued........

欲之詳情, 請待續集




( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ
Dear Oscar;
2006/07/17 18:07

Dear Oscar;

Thank you for your complimentary and encouragement. I really appreciate it.

A lot's of time, I am afraid of that I might scare some people to death

Great creation
2006/07/16 23:18

My dear SweethaeatYuan, you make me recall an English old song: "Imagine", which produced by John Lenon and killed by his fan with shotgun(Maybe pistol?) in New York City, 1980. The content of this article(Gee...reads like a fiction) also gives readers like me a lot of ideal world or wonderland. This paradise, however, will never appear in any present developed or civilized human societies due to too much physical apptence or corporality or any kind of areas which belongs to the Capitalism except these were disappeared. 

I believe that it's not difficult for people to have simple and contented lives, as long as human being abandaned the desires above, and it's also the only confliction at all.

Good job, keep it going!!