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亞當跟夏娃的愛 - 5
2006/08/05 02:19:19瀏覽522|回應0|推薦3

However, outside of Eden Prairie, the life is not like that. It is full of sin, crime, jealous, hater, and evil. While inside the Eden Prairie, everything is neat, simple, yet harmoniously decorated by wisdom apple, sin cherry and desire peach trees. Satan and Evil they each get three fruits - one from each of the trees.

不過呢 , 在伊佃園外 , 生命並非如此乾淨的生存著 , 那可眞充滿著邪淫 , 罪犯 , 猜忌 , 憎恨及邪魔 . 相對著伊佃園內一切是那麼潔淨雅緻更有智慧蘋果 , 邪淫櫻桃及慾望桃花樹所陪襯出一股和恊温馨 . Satan and Evil 他們两人便從這三棵樹上各摘了三顆果子 ,

Due to Eva’s kindness and sweet-hearted, yet sorta woman’s silliness and Adam’s stubbornness, nice heart, high-integrity and kinda dumb trusty. Satan, such a sly, ambitious, and full of schemed sin, he offer Eva the whole sin cherry and desire peach out man-like generosity and considerate, while romantically sharing wisdom apple with Eva. Satan eazily steal Eva’s heart and fool Eva’s love. Satan first share the wisdom apple with Eva in order to win her heart. Furthermore, he give Eva the whole desire peach as well as sin cherry.

由于 Eva 的善良及甜心加上一斯斯女性化的愚昧而 Adam 又是如此的固執 , 心軟 , 眞誠

且帶著點愚忠式的信任心 . Satan 這麼一個詨詐 , 野心並滿腦邪惡的鬼計 , 他給了 Eva 整顆邪淫櫻桃及慾望桃果子以示男人的大方與体貼 , 同時泿漫的與 Eva 分享著智慧蘋果 .. Satan 輊易的就擄獲了 Eva 的心及愚弄了她的愛.

Without notice and cautious, Eva’s heart are triggered by Satan again and again all by Satan’s set up. Everything is under Satan’s control and schedule now. Eva never able to know Satan share the wisdom apple is out of man’s selfishness that he don’t wanna Eva has too much wisdom, yet Eva took it as how romantic Satan is, and fall all the way in the rough love sea with Satan day by day. Nor does she ever know what a lie is. Eva’s heart were synchronized from slightly beating wave to shaking crazy as an ocean sway all by Santa’s schedule.,

Evan從不經心與驚惕的心就這樣一次又一次被 Satan 的設計所觸动 , 一切都在 Satam 的技謀掌握中 . Eva 從未查覺 Satan 浪漫的與她分享蘋果只是出自男人的自私野心 , 他不希望給 Eva 完全的智慧以便駕馭自如 . 而 Eva 天眞的認為 Satan 有多浪漫 , 因而投入愛的狂濤巨浪中而不可自拔 . 她更不知道這謊言的背後 , 正如 Satan 策劃 , 她的心就跟著陰謀同步著 , 從輕微的的觸动水波直到如汪洋中的巨湧般的震憾

Satan make Eva realized the joy of sex and everything she never ever experienced in the Eden Prairie. Eva never realized there’s so many fantasies out there. She think she is more than just happy now. A slightly painful could make life more than just wonderful.

一切都在 Satan 計畫中 , Eva 也終于体驗了伊佃園中未曾有過的性的歡愉 , 她從來不知道生命中還有這麼多奇情夢幻 , 她覺得她已不再是快樂而巳 . 那一斯斯疼痛竟能使人生超越了美滿

A violence sin like Satan, the only love he could be generated a little bit is by someone like Eva, such a holy mello woman. No matter how greedy and violent a sin man is, he will be melted by her sweetness and woman’s personality without arousing an intention of evil sin of woman.

一位像Satan邪淫的暴力者, 也僅有聖潔如Eva般的柔雅女人才能激發出一丁點的愛.

 無論他是多麼暴力及貪梵式邪淫男子, 還是會被她的甜美及女人的特貭所溶化.難以對她這般女人產生一點淫意

Legend to be continued........

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( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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