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亞當跟夏娃的愛 - 1 ( The Utopian Love, beginning of the legend I )
2006/07/15 22:46:46瀏覽1873|回應2|推薦12

亞當跟夏娃的愛  - 1 ( The Utopian Love, beginning of the legend I )

前言: 風流乃英雄本色, 淫盪乃美女本性. 當两者相遇時, 連最好美色的


        亞當跟夏娃並沒結成夫妻, 他两在伊佃園太純潔了. 魔鬼為了永世

        生存不被消減, 派出了最邪魔淫惡的一兒一女Devil and Evil.

        亞當跟夏娃, 他們是被魔鬼的一女一兒勾引而背叛了上帝.

        所以不必大感嘆! 人本來就是善惡,靈性獸性的複合体, 充其量,



        地牢, ........

        只是我們的教育太偽心論了, 才會

        ie., 有失戀時不敢相信之苦, 說穿了也是自己騙自己罷了!

        現代社會大家都在追尋已被濺踏許久的眞愛, 而你我也隨時在濺踏著


Far outside of Eden Prairie in the heaven, it is full of selfish, ego, utilizism, vanity, greediness, fighting, jealous, cheating, revenge, violence, rape, all kinds of husbands, wives, and lovers, yet filthy sex pollution, body flooding, sin, evil, and crime, more than you can even think of. The only difference is in heaven they don't recognize each other, yet they think they can do whatever they want since it is a heaven. No one ever noticed about this, yet the life is going on there and drawn and drunk with it.

在遙遠的伊佃園式的天堂外 , 那是一個物慾橫流 , 充滿自我 , 自私 , 功利 , 虛荣 , 貪梵 , 凶殺 , 妒忌 , 欺騙 , 仇恨 , 報負 , 暴力 , 姦淫 . 還外加了各式各樣的夫 , 妻 , 情人愛人 , 更可嘔的是性的污穢與汚染 , 肉慾的橫流 , 罪惡 , 邪魔 , 犯罪 . 遠遠超乎你的想像力所能及

Only one holy spirit of soul who is able to give it a challenge and save the last heaven in the universe.

Who is God, he has fighting against Devil for years by now all by himself, yet everyone is accused him as inane and immature for the society of heaven. With God’s wisdom and almighty, he is almost knocking out the completel

y whole Devil from their sin evil root of it and jail them in hell until they diminished.

, 隻身接受著挑戰, 不再乎別人的嘲笑. 而且普世眾人皆嘲瘋
控他以瘋子之名; 伊佃園式天堂社會中幼稚的異端

他的名字叫"Sweetheart Yuan",  "" 孤獨一人與 邪魔奮戰了無數的年頭,
用它萬能的智慧, 它眼見就可徹底從邪惡能量之根中清除整体邪魔,

                                  Legend to be continued........

                                       欲之詳情, 請待續集

上圖: 宙斯(希腊语Ζεύς,或Δίας),旧译丢斯,是古希腊神话中的天神,亦是最高的神;罗马神话中称朱庇特拉丁语Jupiter),为克洛诺斯Κρόνος)与雷亚Ρέα)所生的最小儿子。 


下圖: Hylas差點受寧芙女精靈誘惑


( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ
Well, Oscar
2006/07/16 20:04

Well, Oscar;

I think you are very creative guy tooo, thanks for your applause..

2006/07/16 19:46

Hahaha....My dear SweetheartYuan, I never suppose that you are a warrior who fight and head-to-head for all of the negative thing in this planet. May Jesus Christ praise and encourage yours business....By the way, pherhaps the God and Sadam are the same guy? Maybe Jesus required Lucifer to transferred himself to a snack for confused Adam and Eva?

Hahaha, I will wait for the continune anyway .