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亞當跟夏娃的愛 - 6
2006/08/16 18:38:47瀏覽507|回應1|推薦5

MAN & WOMAN ( New Old Testimony, beginning of the legend)

Adam he is all alone in the other side of corner of the garden and the only friends he has is the shadow of peach, cherry, and apple trees now and a lost heart in the Eden prairie. Nothing is really wrong and yet it seems too nice to be true to live there. Evil knows the time is coming now, she using her body of soul to get Adam’s heart. Furthermore, Evil give Adam all three fruits of wisdom, desire, and sin. Because she want her man in superior to her out of her in-explainable inner most heart of soul, or otherwise it is not gonna satisfies her fantasy.

亞當忽然有一股前所未有 , 莫明的落莫感 , 獨自排徊於伊佃園的西側角落

僅有蒙朧月光 中桃花 , 櫻花及蘋果樹樹影隨風伴著他移动的身影 , 有如金大班最後的 Tango 般 . 似乎感覺不出升麼異樣 , 只能說美的太不眞實, 美好到另人難以活下去 . 就像温哥華島上的維多利亞(Victoria)般

此刻心花怒放的 Evil 深知机不可失 , 魔女將三种果子(智慧, 慾望, 邪淫)全給了 Adam, 只因為她那發自心靈最底層像泉水般湧出一股默名的慾望 , 她要進入她肉体最深處那股強而有力的震动 , 眞正掌握 , 駕馭她 , 鞭剌她 .. 能夠同時直搗她心靈最底層 , 震碎心靈防護膜 , 讓 Adam 觸碰到最鮮嫩血淋淋的靈與肉 .

三粒果子將讓她如願 , 讓眼前壯碩的陽性 spirit 眞正成為陽剛之氣 , 有如泰山 , Batman, Rainbow, Starlon…. 般令她五体投懷 , 像人類見了催眠大師般 , 服從上帝般 . 自动撥去層層防禦 , 那撕裂的力道有如去除她心靈外表層層汚穢薄膜般的解放了被壓抑億萬年的靈獸出籠 , 一斯斯的撒裂的痛快並不能全然滿足她的五情六慾於萬一....

Moreover, Adam such a stubborn, nice heart, and persistent, yet romantic man. No matter how a evil spirit woman that Evil is, she can’t even hold her breath but to lean on Adam’s body of soul like a kitty when she saw such a heck of man as Adam. She is all attracted by Adam’s mannish mentality as well as integrity. She feels filthy in sex no more with Adam which is a long lost spirit for Evil. But for Adam the desire is just a beginning.

更何況像 Adam 這麼頑固 , 執著 , 愛心 , 熱血並且浪漫的男人 , 縱然是像 Evil 這樣的魔才女也無法摒息 , 只有如被催眠了似的 , 像一隻小貓咪般 Meow 一聲就不由自主的倒入 Adam 的懷中 , 雖收藏於肉掌中的利刃常本能張開伸出 , 一但碰觸了帶著儍氣的陽剛之軀 , 就任由那大無畏的男性剛毅不呵之氣逼回掌內 , 只盛貓咪般掌中柔軟肉墊.

她再也不覺得性的污穢 , Adam 找回她身為魔女長久以來失落的心靈 , 但對 Adam 慾望桃花及邪淫的櫻桃果才剛開始發酵 !

Legend to be continued........

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( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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Shiao Amy
2006/08/16 23:49

♥ 幸 福 閒 妻 ♥♥ 祝 大 家 幸 福