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2008/01/18 19:16:26瀏覽989|回應1|推薦24 | |
重回伊甸園Return to the Republic - 1 ( Heart Broken Night椎心之夜, legend continued…. ) 前言: 根據柏拉圖理型世界(Idealism)的概念, 似乎每一個生物都是 我們可推論 因此, 每個人來到世閒都在尋覓自伊甸園被迫失散以來 At the darkness night with bright moonlit up-lifted on the sky, All spirits are die down and quiet, only thing you could heard is Adam's own heart beat, yet his own breathing. For hours, he stood back and forth on the east side of Eden Prarie, his stubborn mind keep him waiting and waiting, yet expecting something could had happened, if it was happened then it would have been called miracle. 寂靜的夜空中, 月光高高矗立在黑暗的天空. 所有的靈氣也隨著寂靜而趨之消沈. 唯一可感受到的只有Adam的心跳的胍动及氣息. 他在伊甸園的東側排徊, 是生命中的執著趨使他漫無目的來回走动, 等待且期待著不可能中有奇蹟 默名的發生 Actually, he didn't even know what he was doing. Yet he did, he was waiting for Eva. The only shadow that moon made is his only company, yet never leave him till dawn. It is not because shadow don't wanna keep him accompanied, but because the moonlit are gone. 而事實上, 默名中他知道他期待著Eva的出現, 倒掛天空的月亮至始至終總是 欲知詳情, 請待續集 Note 1: 依統一教說法每個人在靈界皆有一對應的靈人体. Note 2: 依理型世界你所愛的如天使般面孔魔鬼般心腸的她 下圖柏拉圖的饗宴篇The Symposium : 是古希腊哲学家柏拉圖的一篇對話式作品,在前385年後不久寫成。它是一段關於對愛的本質的作品,以演講和對話的形式寫成,既有諷刺式的,也有認真的。背景是一群雅典男性在一個酒宴之中的談話。 他們對話的大前提是(而且有些講者更清楚說明),最高貴的愛是一個男人與一個男孩之間的愛。而其他種類的愛,包括異性戀,所佔篇幅相對地少,而且明顯不被喜愛。 |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |