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重回伊甸園 Return to the Republic - 4 ( 春暖而花開the continental, legend continued … . )
2008/01/29 18:56:50瀏覽1091|回應0|推薦37

重回伊甸園 Return to the Republic - 4 ( 春暖而花開the continental, legend continued … . )

            序曲: Tea (Chinese Dance)  Tchaikovsky- The Nutcracker

前言:  據佛家說靈必須藉肉身才得以快速提昇(修行). 有點合乎進化論,
         但這墮落的肉身總挾持著你我的靈魂. 難怪人類進化上百萬方年

         不明原委的你我, 往往成為魔鬼傳承永續生命的工具罷了. 像頗具

As the dawn coming in the northern American prairie, the sunset is falling the other side of mountanin. Eva with her holy spirits and woman’s personality, she would follow Satan no matter where he go and what he is. Satan, on the other hand, all he care is where he can find food, shelter, yet how much should he keep? Eva just wait, yet enjoyed the way her man is swallow food til he is full and then she pick up the remainder.
正當日初於北方大草原上, 落日低垂在山的另一頭. 帶著些許聖靈及女性
特貭, Eva 一心跟著Satan無論天漄海角無論他是何人. 而他只再乎尋找
食物,棲身之處, 儘量為自己多儲存點食物. Eva永遠儍乎乎的等著, 看著,

Eva’s 4 feet long heavy shinning straight, yet silky hair,  is Satan’s best bed sheet when nightfall. Yet Eva want hold him with her hot greasing holy body and to keep him warm. Without Eva’s body temperature, Satan would have frozen to death. All her reward is passively waiting for Satan to pierce her body as well as her heart, that is greatest joy she could had after all the love and persistence. Just like a thorn bird in the snow white mountain, her greatest satisfaction is the collision of tree spike with her body, the joy she had with bleeding flesh, those moan with her bright red tear fall all over white snow bed as the glorious celebration till she die. Yet the joy she had as an unexplainable secret of life from her soul.
每當夜幕低垂, Eva那4呎多又厚又亮麗的長髮就成Satan最好的床墊. Eva更
願用她油脂般光亮肌膚呵護著他. 若非Eva聖靈般的体温Satan早就凍僵了.
她的愛与執著僅僅獲得錐心之痛的回報, 就如那刺鳥用肉身衝撞樹尖所
刺鳥的愉悅來自於穿透後血淋淋的肉体, 呻吟中流下酒紅色的淚水染紅著
白雪大地, 就像Eva那愛的温床, 荣耀的直到死亡.

Till sun rised, Eva dig a hole on the snow glacier and jump in freezing water for a morning shower, it seem all the satisfaction and joy can’t even frozen by glacier, yet melting as spring is near.
直到日出, Eva在冰河上鑿了洞口一躍而下, 用冰封己久的寒水做了每日的晨浴.

那一切荣耀與滿足似乎隨著冰河洞口再度封凍, 卻又隨著春暖而花開

                                       欲知詳情, 請待續集

  故事源起於 亞當跟夏娃的愛 The Utopian  Love - 1

上圖: 维纳斯拉丁语Venus)。


( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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