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2008/01/27 14:52:46瀏覽1588|回應2|推薦36 | |
重回伊甸園 Return to the Republic - 3 (Till Dawn 黎明到來 , legend continued … . )
序曲: Allegro non troppo - Tchaikovsky 前言: 有位偉大的哲學家說: When it comes to love, 愛是宇宙生命力的來源 生命乃宇宙交響樂章中的連續音符......... On the way of searching for shelter on the glacier-like land of nowhere, the shinning snow crystal flake seems to celebrate, much fancier than any disco night club you can found, their unknown, yet challenge ahead. Evil’s mourned sorrow, by no mean made Adam depressed, yet he wanna show how they could build a dream in such a cruel world. Not until Evil’s screaming pain disturbing and caught the polar bear’s hunger attention, the arch shaped cool moon in laughing. Which reflect our almighty Lord’s mentality in waiting to see this universal symphony of orchestra, French horned greedy wolf, polar bear’s yarn as a big base, Evil’s painful violin note, Katonka’s running drum. And the conductor is far up there on the balcony and watch. The only soprano is Adman, to save Evil’s life as well as their baby, he have to kill one polar bear every half hour or so and make it a shelter like cave. Adam cut the inner side of bear wide open and lay Evil inside the polar bear. Evil lay comfortably like sleep on a water bed, but all these are not even keep Evil warm, but only keep away the relentless cold beam to take his love one’s body temperature away. Without God’s mercy, Adam’s only rock bat are full of bear’s grease and continue in fight one for every half hour, the soprano and big base make a great performance for this symphony, star showing all over the sky to ensure it is a worthy watching show. Adma手中唯一沾滿动物血腥油脂的石棒不斷的宰殺大毛牛与北極熊雄確 Before Evil delivery her baby, Adam’s stone bat accidentally hit a rock while he is fighting and generate a bit of spark and burning smoke, he soon figure out to use it and light up a camp fire with plenty of bear fat grease. Thanks the Lord, with all those bear carcass to form as a fort of polar bear with a camp fire inside which barely keep the warmth that Evil need for delivery her baby and keep away of hunger wolf. 欲知詳情, 請待續集 故事源起於 亞當跟夏娃的愛 The Utopian Love - 1 上圖: 米蒂亚(Medea),又译美狄亚。 伊阿宋(希腊文:Ιάσων,拉丁文:Easun)是希腊神话中夺取金羊毛的主要英雄。伊阿宋是埃宋的儿子,克瑞透斯的孙子。克瑞透斯在帖撒利的海湾建立城池和爱俄尔卡斯王国,并把王国传给儿子埃宋。后来,埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位。埃宋死后,他的儿子伊阿宋逃到半人半马的肯陶洛斯族人喀戎那儿。喀戎训练伊阿宋做一个英雄。为要回王位,他答应帮珀利阿斯取得金羊毛。在女巫美狄亚(Medea)帮助下取得金羊毛,后他与美狄亚结婚,但后又喜新厌旧抛弃了妻子。后来他与孩子遭到美狄亚的诅咒,全部丧命。也有传说他在遭到诅咒后,死于取得金羊毛的那艘大船下面。 |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |