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重回伊甸園 Return to the Republic - 2 (Down to the Earth 再生 , legend continued … . )
2008/01/23 16:11:07瀏覽937|回應1|推薦30

重回伊甸園 Return to the Republic - 2 (Down to the Earth 再生 , legend continued … . )

前言:   聖奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)
          認為人類史即宗教與國家争戰的歷史 - 爭奪著對人的
          控制權. 他否認了人有批評神的權利, 也就如羅馬書
          中說的: 被創造一者沒有權利要求創造者.
          但他的神學卻違背了希臘人本主義的精神. 一直到
          十六世紀宗教改革運动, 才有人膽敢駁斥宗教之
          不是(Note 1).

          依亞里士多德的目的因理論(Teleology), 我們可推論
          神給予人類能思考且富創力之大腦. 决非希望人如

Now in the vast northern prairie, crystal cleared yet transparent sky decorated with tons of diamond shinning bright start. In contrast to his lonely warm ruby heart as a warm spot light to the prairie. He is looking for Eva no more, still the severe cold freezing the entire north continental but not his bleeding heart a little bit. He is advancing for a destination for he as well as Evil, his love. Adam, again, like a great Indian warrior man who can beat up snow storm in the severe winter. With God's punishment to him and Evil, they both face the harsh life in the North continental with no fear. Adam is walking on a 3 feet deep snow with bared foot, with his remaining spirits from the heaven, he is marching in the snow-fall like continental.... 

在浩瀚的北方大地上, 晶莹剔透的天空點綴著數以萬計如鑽石般閃礫的星辰. 他那孤獨的心中有如紅宝石般的熱血如投射灯般照耀著大地.

他不再尋找Eva, 嚴寒冰凍整個大地但冷卻不了Adam那熱疼疼的心. 為了他与Evil生命的旅程, 為了他的愛而跨步前進. Adam像印地安戰士般乘風破雪, 面對神的懲罰, 他倆必須面無難色的面對困頓的人生. 此刻, 雪深己蓋過他的双膝, 靠僅存的神力他光著双脚邁步在滾滾如瀑布的白雪地中(Note 2)

Even apple, cherry, and peach are frozen as a stone, The only warm soup he could found for Evil is the mild warm red blood that he had from the hunger wolf, those blood become a liquid icecle if he is not feed Evil fast enough. He cheer and share with Evil like a red wine with hunger before they could have a tiny bit of meal.
即便是那像徵著智慧, 邪淫與善惡三种浪漫的水果皆凍成石頭般, 天地間僅存的温度來自Adam為Evil捕殺的熱疼疼的狼血, 但轉眼間Evil嘴角間流失的狠血己成紅的冰柱. 他興奮的与Evil分享著如暢飲一杯紅葡萄酒般

This night is special offer from the heaven, the whole continental is frozen, even Evil's breathing become snow flake not even reach Adam's ﹕shoulder. Nothing in the world has a mercy,  nor does God.
今夜乃上蒼特賜之夜, 大地冰封. 即使Evil呼氣尚未觸及Adam的肩膀己結成雪花般晶体. 天若有情天亦老, 何況天地才剛成形呢! 天道對他們並不仁慈, 即便是上帝亦枉然.....

 The only temperature left seems from Adam’s heart and his steam-like breathing can barely reach Evil’s lip. Without 6’3 Adam holding her up with a dry piece of Tonka fur, this revenge freezing wave would have already took the remainder heat form his love Evil.
天地間僅有的熱力來自Adam如蒸氣般的呼氣, 其餘温也僅及Evil双唇. 若非六尺三Adam用Tonka長毛牛皮抱著Evil而行,

                                            欲知詳情, 請待續集

Note 1: 十六世紀宗教改革運动, 駁斥了人非得絰由宗教才能獲救.

Note 2:下圖: 北美州稱如瀑布般的飛雪為Snow Fall

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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2008/01/24 16:06