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2019/08/03 21:36:40瀏覽744|回應0|推薦14 | |
1. 寵辱若驚,貴大患若身。 世人在得寵或受辱時難免會感到驚慌,然而過分強調自身的榮辱可能會帶來大禍患。 Humans may be affrighted when receiving praise or humiliation, however, over emphaizing praise or humiliation could result in calamity. 2. 何謂寵辱若驚? 為什麽得寵或受辱時都會令人感到驚慌呢? Why would humans get affrighted when receiving praise or humiliation? 3. 寵為上,辱為下。 因為得寵會令人感到高傲,受辱則會讓人感到自卑。 Because praise may make one arrogant, and humiliation may make one feel inferior. 4. 得之若驚,失之若驚,是謂寵辱若驚。 得寵時感到驚慌,失寵時也感到驚慌,這就是「寵辱若驚」的意思。 Receiving praise makes one frightened, and losing it makes him panic, this is the reason why humans get affrighted when receiving praise or humiliation. 5. 何謂貴大患若身! 這也說明了過分強調自身的榮辱可能導致大災難的原因! This also explains why over emphasizing praise or humiliation could result in calamity! 6. 吾所以有大患,為我有身。 我們之所以會招來大災難,就是因為我們太重視自身的榮辱。 Why calamity could land on us? Because we over emphasize personal glory or humiliation. 7. 及我無身,吾有何患? 然而如果我們願意捨身,還擔憂什麽是禍患呢? However if we are willing to sacrifice ourselves, then why should we worry about any camality coming to us? 8. 故貴以身為天下,若可寄天下。 所以願意為天下謀福而捨身的人,可以將天下寄付給他。 Therefore, whoever, is willing to die for the well-being of the world, should be anointed to rule the nation. 9. 愛以身為天下,若可託天下。 為愛世人寧願捨身的人,可以將天下託付給他。 Whoever, is willing to sacrifice for love, should be given the power to lead the world. |
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