1. 道沖而用之,久不盈。
The Word of Heaven looks empty and intangible, however when we need him we find his power unlimited.
2. 淵兮,似萬物之宗。
His unfathomable and boundless power implies that he is the creator of all things.
3. 挫其銳,解其紛。
He does not show off his sharp and dashing appearance, instead he uses simple ways to unravel the diverse and complex world.
4. 和其光,同其塵。
He unites with light, also stays with dust.
5. 湛兮,似或存。
In dark and obscure circumstances, his indistinct existence can still be sensed.
6. 「吾不知誰」之子,象帝之先。
He is the son of “the one we have not recognized” – God, the heavenly Father, who has existed long before all kings of human kingdoms on earth.
沖 = 空虛無形。
湛 = 幽暗朦朧。
吾不知誰 = 我們所不認識的那一位,指造物主「天父上帝」。天父上帝没有形像,如《毛詩正義》所說:「天無形象」,人類的肉眼無法看到天父上帝之形象,所以沒有人真正的認識天父上帝。
象帝 = 有形像的帝王,指世間的領導人。