1. 五色令人目盲。
Watching multiple brilliant colors for too long may cause visual fatigue, even result in blindness.
2. 五音令人耳聾。
Hearing multi-frequency roaring sounds for too long may cause auditory damage, even lead to hearing loss.
3. 五味令人口爽。
Eating too many heavily flavored foods may cause taste fatigue, even result in losing the sense of taste.
4. 馳騁田獵,令人心發狂。
Galloping in the field with excessive hunting and killing may muddle one’s mind, even cause insanity.
5. 難得之貨,令人行妨。
擁有貴重難得的財物,會使人太花心思去保護財物 (因而耽誤農時)。
Owning preciously rare goods may make one over-spend time to protect them (causing impedance of farming activities).
6. 是以聖人為腹不為目,故去彼取此。
Therefore when running the nation, the sage will first fill people’s stomachs and enrich their hearts and then prevent them from becoming slavery of materials, for the sage pursues spirituality and refuses materialism.