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  英文的聽(Listening), 說(Speaking), 讀(Reading), 寫(Writing)都是技能(Skills) ,

所謂技能就是把知識轉變成行動而言(Put knowledge into action.),

但是這四種技能的養成卻非一體成型, 要如何修練成絕技呢?

              (1) 說(Speaking)的突破


本人決定採用“Spoken American English” ,

這套書編得非常棒(陳敬,陳偉恩合編, 可惜已絕版)

, 不但英文用法道地,

中文更是用得貼切, 值得摹仿多練,



 絕非坊間教材可比, 總共有24冊,






         我的多益(TOEIC Speaking and Writing) 考6級分(滿級分為8),




教過六年IMBA(International MBA)的英文課程,

全程均用英語上課, 只是仍想力求突破,



不是只要閱完就好了, 還要會用。

           她是耐看的女子                  She is a looker.

            她美的令人神魂顛倒          She is such a knockout.

            你到底看上她哪一點?        What do you see in her?

             我覺得她楚楚動人             I find her enticing.


用字方面(Word Choice)

     說英文時用字的選擇十分重要, 如何能切中肯綮,

強而有力, 就看功力啦。

      別說風涼話    No sarcastic remarks.    
      他性好漁色     He makes women his hobby.

       他是登徒子     He is womanizer.

                               He is a skirt chaser.

                               He is a lustful person.   

         她水性楊花   She is wanton.

          她是騷包      She is fickle. 

不過這類字眼措詞強烈, 用上時機可能不多,


可說 It is a slip of tongue.另外也可說

said it off the cuff. 指有口無心, 信口開河。

His veins poped out when he heard his son

using such language.倒是頗傳神的說法。

本質相同, 說法不同, 可說 merely semantics,

亦即 a distinction of language, not of substance.

所以, The difference between a fib and  a lie

is merely semantics. 換湯不換藥的講法就稱

It is all semantics. 因此, In today’s society you

 have to be politically correct in your semantics.

所謂 politically correct 係指 socially acceptable

以及對少數族裔時無冒犯之嫌( non-offensive to minorities)。

1. 我討厭太多的應酬

         I dislike too many social obligations.

     2  我討厭社交活動

          I don’t like attending social functions.

      3. 我覺得好孤單, 這兒沒人可以談心

          I feel so lonesome. There’s nobody to talk to here.

     4.  他人緣盡失

          He’s a social flop.

     5.  他在社會上各方面都格格不入

          He’s socially dysfunctional.

      6. 自從她開始上班後, 變得愈來愈孤僻

          She’s drawn deeper into herself since she’s started working.

      7 妳自劃藩籬不與人往來

          You’ve developed a shell around yourself.

      8.那位學者住在象牙塔中, 與現實生活脫節

          That scholar’s lived his life in an ivory tower.

          He can’t relate to the real world.


      It was sort of a causal thing.

     我們的婚姻美滿, 直到一個女孩介入為止

      We were very much in love,

      but then a girl entered the picture.


      He has a roving eye.


      All rats like cheese.


       Lust is a universal trait.


       Greed for dirty money.


     動物卻未必相同, 中國人


     西方人則稱 night owl, 夜行動物貓頭鷹也。

      對牛彈琴可以說 speaking to a brick wall,

      至於 casting pearls before swine 


       get off 不見得只是下車之意, 像

       Let’s get off the subjects already.


        用 already 是因為已談論太久了。

When he wants something, he won’t stop at anything.

He’s a ruthless animal who won’t let anything stand in his way.

打定主意要獲得某物, 不到手絕不罷休

此處 ruthless 指 unscrupulous (肆無忌憚)

 unethical (不顧道徳)


doesn’t care who he steps on. 


eyetooth 指的是犬齒, I’ll give my eyeteeth just to be young again.

係指若能再獲靑春, 要我做牛做馬都行。

A. I’m determined to go all the way with the writing of this book.

We can’t go all the way, I don’t want to get pregnant.

以上 A. B. 兩句 go all the way 都是把全程完成, 



He’s a man with the perseverance to make a dream come true. 


所以   Everything in life takes determination.

除了毅力及決心, 當然不能忽略品質

The pursuit of excellence never ends.

而且寧缺勿濫 ( Nothing but the best.)

Hard work and innovative thinking have made us number one.
But there’s always room for improvement. 




If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s a quitter. (半途認輸之人)

至於做事的方式與魄力, 以下兩句最為傳神堪用:

By hook or by crook we’ve got to get the job done. 
( 無論是明裡來或暗地裡去)

Come hell or high water we’ll finish this assignment. 

She is a very driven woman. (進取)

She put her heart and soul into pursuing her Master degree. (全力追求)


She is as cute as a button.

英文有時真怪, 居然用扣子(button)


長得 玲瓏有緻


 one-sided view


  lop-sided view 

刻板印象為  stereotype

Aren’t you kind of old for that sort of thing?


He’s thirty years old and thinks he’s still in high school.


He’s suffering from a Peter Pan syndrome.

三十歲了還自以為是高中生, 年紀愈大愈不懂事

He must be going through a second childhood.

Flattering 是很多人喜歡的


Compliments and praise to butter you up

   Saying thing to make you feel good, but may not be true.

Gee, you look much younger than your age, what’s our secret?


How old are you?

Old enough for you not to ask. (老得最


說說看這句: 他如果還活著的話, 差不多是你的歲數。


 He would’ve been just about your age had he lived.


 他們相差九歲   They’re nine years apart.

Hitting 40 can often be a turning point in a man’s life.

When a man reaches forty, he’s over the hill. (走下坡)

Men often suffer from mid-life crisis when they turn 40.

He’s way pass his prime. (他已過了黃金期)

I wish I could be young forever, but things can’t always stay the same.

(我冀望青春永駐, 但花那有百日紅)

世事無常    Things change.

好景苦短     All good things must come to an end.

按照你掉髮的速度看來, 不出三十將已禿頂

At the rate your hairline is receding, You’ll go bald by the time you’re thirty.

我也許年紀大了些, 但我還跟年輕的一代合得來

I may be older, but I’m still in tune with the younger generation.


I won’t have trouble occupying my time when I retire.


I have plenty to do to keep me busy in my twilight years.

   twilight years 指微光之年  上了年紀亦稱 advanced age

With age comes wisdom. (年長智增)

How fleeting life is. (人的一生轉眼即逝)

We grow too soon old and too late smart.

(人生覺悟終嫌晚, 回首已是百年身)

Youth is wasted on the young.(大好青春總是浪擲在年少時)

The illusion of youth fades with maturity. (年輕幻想隨成熟逝)

He's quite senile. (老糊塗)    

顛三倒四 irrational

( 知識學習語言 )
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