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2010/07/16 20:38:53瀏覽754|回應0|推薦3 | |
我在 “the Writer, April, 2009” 雜誌上讀到一段頗珍貴的文字, 譯出與讀者分享: “ Many writers don’t realize that publishing a book requires more than writing it. ( 很多作家並不了解, 出版一本書並不只是完成寫作而已。) In today’s difficult market, they must take a business approach. ( 在今日這種生存困難的出版市場, 作家必需採行商業手腕。) In other words, besides writing well they must know how to market their manuscript, not only to the agent or editor, but to those much -desired buyers. ( 換言之, 除了寫得好, 他們還必需懂得行銷其作品, 這不僅只是對經紀商或編輯, 更要對那些求知若渴的廣大書籍購買者。) “ The New York Center for Independent Publishing(NYCIP) set out more five years ago to create a conference with that in mind. Enlisting the expertise of insiders--- including agents, editors, authors, and publishers large and small--- the New York Round Table Writers Conference was born. ( 五年前成立的紐約獨立出版中心便是基於此種想法下創立, 集結各式各樣出版界英雄好漢, 經紀商, 編輯, 作家, 大大小小出版商, ---可以說是紐約圓桌作家會議的誕生。 “We’ve had tremendous success creating a conference geared exclusively to the business and the career of writing.” (我們創立的會議, 帶給寫作專業生涯諾大的成功。) “ Our access to publishing-industry insiders provides attendees with practical information they won’t receive at any other conference.” (靠出版業內部人士所提供的實用資訊, 絕非其他會議能望其項背。) 各位可以參考 www.writerconferencenyc.org 網頁 台灣的作家市場又如何呢?當一位作家完成其作品之後, 如何進行下一步呢?編輯要如何接觸?妥善的經銷商怎麼找?台灣有類似美國紐約獨立出版中心 (NYCIP) 的組織可參加嗎?以出版界而言, 圈內人與圈外人的距離是頗遠的, 因此, 良好的管道與能挖掘好作品的溫床的確不可或缺, 更希望這方面有快速的發展。 |
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