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零極限 Zero Limits(96):I Want You To Live
2011/11/20 01:53:03瀏覽1084|回應4|推薦103
零極限 Zero Limits(95):我要你活下來… 的英文版本P0在此與 
I Want You To Live

我的英文部落格 愛永不止息loveneverending)

我要你活下來… 以來, 這文章也帶給孩子們很大的震撼與熬煉。他們看不懂中文經我解釋,才稍微了解當時父親病危時發生的一切情景。他們也盼望看英文希望能進入我的感覺。在經過那麼多年我才終於能放下帶出了“突破(break through)”我更迫切的希望孩子們也能得到“突破”。

再過幾天是Ming的生日,也許藉這文章與他同一天生日的小女兒 (Floy),


Hi Mom -
... It's a very moving and touching piece. It's clear you poured a lot of yourself into it. In the beginning it was difficult to read because it brought back so many painful memories, but I think you were able to end the poem on an uplifting note. I think people will be moved when they read it.


I Want You To Live

Many years have passed; thousands of days gone by.
I told myself that I needed to write you a letter even though I had no place to send it.
But I could not bring myself to write.
Today, I will finally do it because it has been on my mind for too long.
Dear God, please help me.

I love you, Ming.
It seems unreal that you left us so long ago.
I still remember that you tried so hard to tell me something.
Nothing came out of your mouth, and you had no strength to write it on my palm.
I did not understand what you wanted to say to me at that time.
It wasn’t until a year later that I finally realized that what you wanted to tell me was:
“I love you.”

How I wish that I could have told you, “I love you, too.”
Oh, God! I love you wholeheartedly even until now.
I am so sorry that I did not tell you before your passing.
I was busy dealing with the hospital,
So that they would not give up on your treatment.

I remember vividly the day the director of the ICU came to see me.
Heartlessly, he announced that the hospital would stop your blood transfusions the next day.
As much as I tried to plead, beg and reason with him, he still would not budge an inch.
He said that you were going to die anyway,
That he did not want to waste anymore of the blood supply.
Yet he refused blood donations from our church members.

At that point, I knew I was dealing with a person who had no feelings.
To make matters worse, the hospital made one mistake after another.
A year before you were hospitalized, we had gone in for a check up.
But it wasn't until a year later – after you were hospitalized – that we received the report that your blood was abnormal.
A report delayed due to the hospital’s negligence.
And when you were hospitalized, the doctor closed his eyes to the non-stop bleeding from you surgical wound.
And they made many more mistakes…
I could not hold in my anger any longer, so I told him:
“Doctors are not God. They are responsible for treating patients.”
He had no right to terminate a patient’s life.
If he stopped your blood transfusion,
You would die as a result.
I told him that I would consider him a murderer.

Following my forceful statements, he finally decided to give me three days before taking any action.
Our church offered a three-day fast; it seemed he dare not do anything during that period.
Thank God for giving me these precious 72 hours so I could fight this giant (hospital).

In and out of your room, I was too busy to call people to get help.
Sister Huang came to help and stay by your side.
I did not want to tell you the truth for fear it would upset you.
I wanted to do everything I could to get you a blood transfusion.
I swore to myself that I would not let them block the treatment you needed as long as I was still alive.
I just wanted to keep you alive with all my strength.
It was an uphill battle, but I wanted to fight until my last breath.

I remember that once, when you almost could not endure the pain anymore, you said
I was so cruel for not letting you go.
Oh, God! How could I live without you in this world?
I loved you so much that I wanted to keep you alive.

The ICU director felt my determination.
He sensed that this family would not give up without a fight.
He wanted to figure out whether we were able to go up against him.
He sent a doctor to watch me the next morning.
Facing him was this poor lady who had no energy left.
No strength. Only a desire for her husband to live.
Three hours later, this doctor left in embarrassment.
He told me that he believed I would get my wish.

God sent many angels to help us.
Did you know that, Ming?
Several white doves appeared at your hospital window during that time.
A friend helped to contact several Chinese newspapers about our story.
Our daughter sent out news releases to local newspapers.
Telephone calls inquiring about this story poured in to the hospital from all over.

Ming, I do not know whether you knew it or not.
The hospital could not handle the pressure from the media.
On the third day, the hospital gave in and sent me a formal letter to acknowledge
That they would continue to give you blood transfusions.
Dragging my tired body to your room, but retaining hope, I went back to your side.
It seemed that the fire of life was rekindled.
My long absent smile found its way back … again.
Just as I thought there was hope…
You slipped away quietly several hours later.

I could not understand what had happened.
Should I blame heaven or someone?
Why did God let me fight this battle if you could not live?
This took away my last precious time to be with you.
Oh, God! I could not understand why it ended like this.

All these years I was puzzled and confused.
I also could not let go of my regrets.
I wanted to write to ask for your forgiveness.
I was not able to be with you until the end.
I did not have the courage to write to you until now.
Now I am enlightened. Now I comprehend.
It is not that I wanted you to live on…
You wanted me to live on…

Going through this tough battle with the hospital,
I regained my spirit to fight… my spirit of life.
You wanted me to live and not give up.
You wanted me to fall in love again.
You wanted to see me smile again and again.
You wanted me to live.

Ming, I love you!
Today, I finally realize your love for me is extremely deep.
I want to return my love to you.
I will live happily.
Today I received my first trophy for winning my dance competition.
It was then I was enlightened.
I will be the champion of life.
Do not worry, for your love has prepared me to walk on
This champion way of life!


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Apple *
2011/11/21 10:07

寫的真好. 感人!

I could sense your pain and sorrow.


馨儀:母親的借據(singi28831) 於 2011-11-22 14:29 回覆:
Thank you for your encouraging words.

pain and sorrow 會因時間 而慢慢的淡化的。

寫了這文章也幫助我 放下, 相信日子會越來越好!


2011/11/21 06:09

敬請人道支援 我卓越不群的母親

馨儀:母親的借據(singi28831) 於 2011-11-22 13:50 回覆:



雅筑 清淨蓮台
感 觸 許 多
2011/11/20 12:53




能救眾生身命,則能成就諸佛心願。 雅 筑 合十
馨儀:母親的借據(singi28831) 於 2011-11-22 13:35 回覆:


祝福 以花傳心
2011/11/20 08:12

馨儀:母親的借據(singi28831) 於 2011-11-22 13:31 回覆:
Thank you very much.

I appreciate your caring and kindness.

Thank you again and I love you.