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Oolong Tea (烏龍茶)
2010/06/05 05:54:27瀏覽529|回應1|推薦9

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis) somewhere between green and black in oxidation. It ranges from 10% to 70% oxidation. It is among the most popular types of teas served in typical Chinese restaurants. In Chinese tea culture, semi-oxidised oolong teas are collectively grouped as qīngchá (Chinese: 清茶; literally "clear tea"). Oolong has a taste more akin to green tea than to black tea: it has neither the rosy, sweet aroma of black tea nor the stridently grassy vegetal notes that typify green tea. It is commonly brewed to be strong, with the bitterness leaving a sweet aftertaste. Several subvarieties of oolong, including those produced in the Wuyi Mountains of northern Fujian and in the central mountains of Taiwan, are among the most famous Chinese teas. Oolong tea leaves are processed in two different ways. Some teas are rolled into long curly leaves, while some are pressed into a ball-like form similar to gunpowder tea.The former method of processing is the older of the two. The name oolong tea comes into the English language
from the Chinese name (Chinese: 烏龍茶), which is pronounced as O·-liông tê in the Min Nan spoken variant. The Chinese name means "black dragon tea".

Oolong Tea Health Benefits #1:
Act as antioxidants.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #2:
Promote weight loss.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #3:
Promote heart health.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #4:
Treat skin disorders.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #5:
Complement diabetes treatment.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #6:
Reduce high blood pressure.
Oolong Tea Health Benefits #7:
Inhibit bacteria. Prevent tooth decay.

( 休閒生活美食 )
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black tea (Green tea)
2010/06/06 06:32

Black Tea in Chinese called Red Tea.

Sometime, I wonder why the color in English and Chinese are different!

Like white trash (it should be blace trash, but no one really say that?) also, white lie no one really say black lie.  Or black Friday, not white Friday.... etc.  So many color imply for daily life.

Green Tea is my favorite.  You pick the right one! Thank you for sharing.