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Laguna Festival of Arts and Laguna Beach
2010/08/24 16:48:19瀏覽417|回應4|推薦9

Laguna Festival of Arts is held every year at Laguna Beach, California. This year, I got the chance to visit this exhibit. On Sunday morning, we woke up early and got ready to go. The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. On the way there, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and wonderful breeze along the way to Laguna Beach. Upon arriving at the Laguna Festival of Arts, we saw numerous art works being displayed at every perspective. The artworks that were being displayed were for sale and they characterize an inclusive spectrum of art media: paintings, sculpture, pastels, oil paintings, watercolors, drawings, photgraphs, jewelry, ceramics, etched and much more. Besides the art exhibition, the Laguna Festival of Arts provides a tranquil, pleasureable atmosphere with plenty to see and do. The participants for the art festival are local people from around Laguna Beach. After visiting the Laguna Festival of Arts, we went to Laguna Beach. There were a lot of people there! Walking along the Laguna Beach is breathtaking and serene, we heard the waves crash and much more.

(on our way to Laguna Beach and this is what we saw...)

(waves crashing at Laguna Beach)

(entrance to Laguna Festival of Arts)

(eat, drink and be merry!)

(laguna festival of arts- paegants of the masters)

( 在地生活北美 )
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2010/08/27 14:47

Sprinkle song! I love it. Great selection.  Just love it. Bring out a merry spirit~

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上

Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
A nice place of wonder
2010/08/25 08:43
I often heard about excellent tennis and golf courts in Laguna beach area. Your introduction certainly adds even more attraction to the southern California.

News letter
no report?
2010/08/25 08:22

Hey, how come there is no photo in the exhibit?

What else did you collect from this festival? Please provide us more details.

~*Annie Oakley*~(sillydancer) 於 2010-08-25 14:05 回覆:

Taking photos inside the Laguna Festival of Arts was not permitted, because the artists knows that their artwork is copyrighted I enjoyed the wonderful exhibit and I collected many artist's business cards. It's so much fun! Next off... to the wine exhibit!

2010/08/25 05:26
It was such a lovely day that we spent on the beach. The artists participated this seasonable exhibition live presents their art pieces. I am amazed for each one of them. Not only inspiring and talented, but really utilize our daily waste to create a piece of art. Some of the materials are: Metal, old records, DVD, Lego, clay, pencil, household junk, so on and so for.
By the way, the jewelry is fabulous. I bought some that I like to share with all in the near future.

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上