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Rock the Era
2010/07/21 04:56:26瀏覽449|回應2|推薦10

On July 10th, SGI-USA West Territory held its Youth Culture Festival. There were more than 20,000 people who attended this historic and momentous event. It was held at the beautiful Long Beach Arena. There were so many performances at the festival: taiko drummers (they were all in unity, many in body one in mind), contemporary dance, tall flags, hip hop, rap, spoken words, theater and gymnastics. All the performers did so well, because some were amateur (meaning they have no experience). I really loved the taiko drums and gymnastics. The theme for this festival is: One by One, Igniting the Flame of a Great Vow Here are some pictures that were taken on July 10th, I truly want to thank someone for taking these pictures :)

entrance to the Long Beach Arena...

inside the Long Beach Arena

exterior of the Long Beach Arena, it had many dolphins, sharks and many little fishies!

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Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
新手初啼, 一鳴驚人
2010/07/30 01:01
The event must be a spectacular success, to say the least. I could image you radiate through your performance and leadership.

2010/07/22 11:53

Victorious! West Territory Youth Group! We had a full house and lots of people couldn't get in. They were watching outside the arena.  2010 Rock the Era is successfully presented.

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上