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Wow...take a look at this!
2010/05/29 15:07:05瀏覽383|回應1|推薦4

This happened to be on the news today, a tanker truck exploded on the 91 freeway, causing both eastbound and westbound closed. It shot flames at least 100 feet up in the air. Authorities said a multi-vehicle accident caused the tanker driver to lose control of the truck. The crash involving the gas truck, another big rig and four compact vehicles occurred around 10:30 a.m. The truck hit the freeway's center divider on the eastbound side, near the Corona (71) Expressway. There were people driving on those freeway and was stuck in traffic for about 6 hours, that is such a long time!!

(bottom picture was taken by blue mt., she is very brave!! all credits go to her!!)

(taken on the 15 freeway, when a motorhome was burst into flames!)

(pretty scary, huh?)

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blue mt
traffic report
2010/05/30 03:56

Think about it I was driving and took this photo at 15 fwy south!

Wow, what a close call!