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2011/09/30 05:46:45瀏覽892|回應1|推薦11 | |
秋天 秋天秋天真美麗, 橘紅色的楓葉落滿地, 一片,兩片,三片,四片,五片.. 成百成千片... 我踩著楓葉向前去, 我的足印就留在 這個美麗的秋季! ****因為很多家長看不懂中文,所以順手翻成英文,不要太為難家長*** Fall Fall, fall is very beautiful , Orange red Maple leaves fall all over the ground, one leaf, two leaves, three leaves, four leaves, and five.. Hundreds and thousands of them I'm walking on the Maple leaves road, My footprints stay on this beautiful season of Fall! |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |