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2011/02/17 03:11:02瀏覽1342|回應0|推薦9
是台式的作法,所以不太甜...吃很甜者,請一口年糕一口糖拌著吃吧 而且是用烤箱烤的唷...味道很正!

Chinese Red Bean Sweet Cake

Ingredients: 1. 16 oz Sweet Rice Flour

2. 2 cups Milk

3. ¼ (or ½) cup Oil

4. 1& ½ (or ½ ) cup Sugar

5. 3 Eggs

6. 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

7. 1 teaspoon Baking Powder

8. ½ teaspoon Salt

9. 1& ½ cups cooked Red Bean

10. ¾ cup Chopped Walnuts

1). Preheat the oven to 350F, grease 13x9 baking pan.

2). With an electric mixer, first mix ingredients #1 ~ #8

all together, mix well, then add ingredient #9, mix well.

3). Put the mixture into the baking pan.

4). Sprinkle ingredient #10 on the top of the mixture.

(or you can mix with Red Bean)

5). Bake for 50 minutes.


( 在地生活北美 )
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